Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)


I am seeing a lot of displeasure on social media with regard to this bill from both sides. I think a lot of people can do basic math and realize the bill is $3,000 per person and they are getting $0-600. I am seeing normies talk about how this is a cash grab for the rich. Probably meaningless but the first step if we have any hope of future progress is for people to understand what’s really happening. It seems this bill, for whatever reason,makes it more obvious than most who it is really designed for.


It’s because its such a punch in the dick. We have gone without aid for 5 months, and the best they can do is a 1 week payment of minimum wage? Fat lot of fucking good that will do anyone who is struggling. It seems as they only passed anything to fund the government and did the most they could to give money to companies instead of people.

Its absolute garbage, and Mitch wins again.


Every big law firm in the country paying out fat bonuses on the taxpayers dime should be infuriating to everyone. There is no one really left to beat the drum on this though with the Dems doing their usual full submission routine.

They have to do their own extension of it, right? They can’t let fucking Betsy look like the reasonable person on this issue on Day 1.

Maybe they’re planning to include some form of forgiveness and extension at the same time?

extremely pleased to see my ultra-deplorable lawsuit-co-signing representative (Kustoff, TN-8) getting dragged this morning by his deplorable facebook army because he voted for the bill.


Why are deplorables mad about this bill?


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The failure to do any state and local yet again is really fucking bad. Gonna be a hell of a ride when all these cities and states declare bankruptcy.


Checked in with my local deplorables. Looks like they’re pissed for the same reasons we are mostly, but blame both sides obv. Still, better than just blaming Nancy.

They’re actually calling on Trump to veto. Is it veto proof? Would be fucking wild if Trump veto’d it and said this is pathetic come back with more stimulus payments. Maybe we should all be on twitter telling him to veto?

I mean he won’t do it because he can’t accept Republicans aren’t going to help him, but if he DID accept that, vetoing to get revenge on Mitch is in his wheelhouse right? Especially with his cult clamoring for him to do it?

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State and local aid is too abstract for anyone to give a shit until it actually results in real world problems, at which point BOTH SIDES, obviously.


“Screwed up their pensions” is a right wing lie anyway. NY for example has the most funded pension system in teh country, it’s like 97 percent funded. Pensions has nothing to do with it.

It’s really not. Illinois dug it’s own grave. CA NOT GOAT is 70% funded.

$20 was allocated to palestine and apparently if you, a citizen, live with someone who is undocumented, you can still get a $600 check

He’s not even sworn in yet and Mitch is already owning him.

I mean the ones I’m checking in on are pissed at the measly $600 mostly.

Apparently that someone living with an immigrant is also retroactive and they will get $1800 now which is pretty fucking cool.


We need a nuclear takes thread for this level of heat.

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Apologies if I’m relaying something you already know, but the cities and states BK’ing, that’s the end goal of the neo-liberal playbook, which has parallels to what corporate raiders and private equity firms do in the private sector.

PE and corporate raiders use leveraged buyouts. They buy companies with positive cash flow and pensions using cheap corporate debt that is placed like a yoke around the neck of the enterprise that is taken over. This is why EBITDA(Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depraciation) is more important to PE firms than a metric like profit. EBITDA is a better gauge for what the new owners can skim out of the company and divvy up between themselves and the banks that issued the bonds or other debt instruments that were used to effectuate the takeover. The corporate raiders and the banks then suck the company dry, and then it becomes “necessary” to liquidate the pension funds or else the company will go under and everyone loses their jobs.

The banks and raiders who do the above in the private sector have their sights set on the public pots of gold–public pensions, infrastructure, and social services. The game plan is to create a debt and/or funding crisis in our cities, counties, and states. When those local governments are pushed to the brink of BK, they lack the ability that the federal government has to print money. This manufactured financial crisis is then used as leverage to plunder public pension funds and buy up public infrastructure. The goal is to create a tollbooth economy where everything is privatized so that the banks and their duplicitous partners can profit off our roads, water, sewer, schools, power grids, etc.

The GOP is in on this for sure. Most all of the Dem party is captured by finance and Wall Street and therefore complicit as well. This is being done intentionally–Chuck and Nancy know this to be true as much as Mitch does. Any politician who denies that this is happening is either in on it, or too stupid to know what’s going on.