Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

I think this is a nothing burger. Any major landlord is going to have tenants that paid rent with PPP money.

Just caught the end of NJ congressman D-Dumbass (didn’t catch the name) bragging up the 900B bill. Jfc. Mitch is playing these fools like a fiddle.

Dems negotiate with Repubes the way Constanza negotiates with NBC.


George got that reference

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The Dems have always been complicit stooges. Seeing some of them backdoor Pelosi for the worst possible stimmy bill is right in their wheelhouse.


Dems suck. WTF

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lololololololololol they’re just gonna let Mitch coast to a majority

I’ve long resisted the “its on purpose” line but man does it seem like they do this shit on purpose.


Pelosi literally benefits from the corporatocracy. Of course she is in on it. Passing nothing to help nudge Trump out the door and then passing a bill that only benefits corps was always her preferred outcome. She plays her part pretending to stand up for the left before arriving at the preferred outcome of the billionaire class every time. It isn’t coincidence. Chuck is just a poorer version of Pelosi.


100%. We either get new leadership or we keep losing and no progress is made. I’m usually optimistic but I’ve written off anything good happening until then, so by like 2024 by the earliest.


Didn’t George decline NBC’s generous offer then when NBC moved on George was all “oh shit, maybe I should have taken it”?

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How it started

“While we made a new offer to Leader McConnell and Leader McCarthy on Monday, in the spirit of compromise we believe the bipartisan framework introduced by Senators yesterday should be used as the basis for immediate bipartisan, bicameral negotiations,” Schumer and Pelosi said.

How it’s going

McConnell quickly shot down the bipartisan plan after its release Tuesday. He has endorsed only about $500 billion in spending in a new package.


So they think the right strategy in GA is lay low and let Trumpism suppress the vote?

Joe or Kamala going?

Do they figure no shot?

I mean Trump is going down there to campaign for them so that isn’t going to work lol. Republicans are going to show up, especially after dear leader tells them too.

The only strategy is to make sure dems show up, and even if you don’t show up don’t undercut how important it is by saying good ol’ Mitch is gonna work with you.

Republicans will show up because their leaders cast them as monstrously evil people, so even if Trump lost you gotta protect the country from democrats cuz they’re evil people who hate Americans.

Democrats will not show up because well Republicans are going to compromise and work with us so it’s really not that important and Covid is going on so better to stay home and its mostly a waste of time.

Stacey is the only thing that can save us.

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I know that Democrats should be willing to kill a bill over the broad liability protections that Republicans are looking for, but are there more limited liability limitations that make sense in a compromise bill?

I’m not enthusiastic about any such compromise while a Republican is in the White House and still in control of the agencies that would define the reasonable COVID protocols that businesses would be judged against, but there may be some possible trade of a partial liability shield in exchange for firm employee protections. Is anyone exploring what those trades could be?

My understanding is that approximately half of the $908B “compromise” package is repurposed money that’s already been allocated anyway. So that would mean McConnell’s bill is next to nothing as far as new spending. But his also includes tax credits for the rich.

We should be fighting for like a really simple $3T package that does backpay since CARES unemployment aid expired and extends it through May. That’s about $400B. Add like $200B for state and local. Add $200B or whatever for schools.

Take the $2T or whatever that we gave our oligarchy out of the goodness of our hearts in the spring, divide by the number of American adults who are not on social security, pay it as direct stimulus. This would come to like $10K a piece.

What’s that? $2.8T? Take the last $200B and spend it on grants for locally owned startup businesses owned by lower/middle class. Set it up so it doesn’t all go to minority owned businesses, but the majority of it does through how it’s targeted.

Whatever amount is left unspent from before ($450B or so) gets shipped to a new PPP program that only gives to small businesses.

Pass that through the House and tell America that Mitch won’t let you have $10K.

Then take the two Senate seats in Georgia and shove it up his ass.


This guy seems to have some good ideas


I’d prefer a skinny bill since it wont pass anyways and kills their talking points

Paging narrator. Nothing will kill their talking points, reality is irrelevant.


NBC made a standard offer (making this an imperfect analogy), George refused, NBC snap moved on with no new offer, then George begged his way back on for 1/3 the money they initially offered (3k instead of 9k iirc).

In this case, Dems refused a shitty plan, but now are accepting an even worse one, one that’s so bad I actually thought Riverman was joking when he posted it yesterday. Had to reread his post to realize he wasn’t.

In reality it might be that Dems wanted a worse plan, since I share Wichita’s outlook that they’re complicit.