Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

This deal is getting worse all the time

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Amazing what passes for bipartisanship these days

No direct aid as in no unemployment insurance? Or just no stimulus etc?

lmao that seems way worse than even Mitchs bill. Romney outflanking dems on the left didn’t last long. I could totally that passing the senate, that seems like a great corporate handout with little to nothing for people

300 wk and no direct payments lol

The roughly $908 billion proposal includes $288 billion in small business aid such as Paycheck Protection Program loans, $160 billion in state and local government relief and $180 billion to fund a $300 per week supplemental unemployment benefit through March, according to a draft framework. It would put $16 billion into vaccine distribution, testing and contact tracing, funnel $82 billion into education, put $45 billion into transportation and allocate funds for rental assistance, child care and broadband.

The proposal would not include another direct payment to most Americans. It also would offer temporary federal protection from coronavirus-related lawsuits — a provision Democrats have opposed — while states determine their own laws.

But yeah Mitch ain’t passing shit, he’s gonna let it all burn down

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No direct payments is something I’d laugh about if it weren’t so sad. Jfc


Pray I don’t alter it any further.


Furthermore, I wish you to wear this dress and bonnet

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Pretty soon it’ll be US paying THEM direct payments.

But they’ll call it something stupid like taxes and we’ll go oh well that makes sense.

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Manchin is expected but Warner is from a reliably blue state. He’s on my shitlist now too

lol reaching across the aisle.

Warner has sucked for awhile.

He voted to confirm both Pompeo and Torture Lady.

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I want to live in a timeline where wanting to help people out during a pandemic is considered patriotic and if one side doesn’t want to help then they get crushed in elections


To be fair I do think both sides mostly want to help people, maybe like 30% of well off republicans don’t.

Only difference is the right wing propaganda machine has them believing this is all Nancy and the dems fault.

Vast majority of Republican voters support a stimmy bill. Especially direct payments which is why I’m surprised it isn’t on here.

Mitch has been pretending to play along this whole time because of how popular it is

I don’t.

Hell, you could make a case that neither side mostly wants to help people.


The new plan. No help to state or local government but liability protection, and extending PUA one month.

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That’s not a plan, that’s a middle finger to America in written form.


Tax cuts!

And golly gee I wonder why they want to end PUA 1/31/21. It’s almost like something will have just happened or something.

Same as before the main election, they want to boost the odds in Georgia and get some business handouts and the liability shield, while helping average folks the minimal amount possible.

These offers are actually worse than the ones before the election. Dems should pass a skinny bill:

$2,500 for all Americans
CARES extended at $600/wk through 2021.
HEROES direct payments to frontline workers are doubled as a far too small token of our appreciation for their work in 2020 and they all get $600/wk til new cases are below some threshold

GOP says no, double the amounts and do it again. Make some headlines, win two Senate seats.


It doesn’t even matter what the Democrats propose. They aren’t doing shit to message around this issue in the runoffs, choosing to instead spend their time talking about how nice they are going to be to Republicans even as the GOP telegraphs their intent to sabotage the Biden presidency.


JFC “SAFE TO WORK” my itchy asshole

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No waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

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