Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

more like l-drunk-o

I don’t know all the specifics but I would pay it all (the taxes) this year while lower rate if you can and you should be able to get it back as credit if you pay back the 401k but I’d look it up before paying. If I don’t find something soon I’ll be making a withdrawl and then I’ll be looking into the specifics of this.

That’s my plan. Remind us. What do you do?

Now I haVe to figure out how to navigate healthcare enrollment. I earned way less in 2020 but it’s going to be a pain to estimate cause everything goes through the business. Basically going to have to do all my taxes. Guess I will see if my accountant can give me a number.

The weird think is that at 65,000 income the subsidy is 700+ Per month, but at 70,000 it would be 0. Seems like a screwy calc that just drops off a cliff instead of gradually fading away.

So I may need to adjust how I count that 401k hardship disbursement cause that’s a >$8k difference annualized.


Welcome to what sounds like the outer edge of the welfare state. That steep drop off is a pretty big problem all the way through it.

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More bullshit or actually some pressure to make a deal? Or are they just trying to buy votes for GA runoff?

Almost certainly bullshit. No way they want to add this debt onto Trumps deficit, plus it’ll help Biden, plus it’ll undercut their message of the deficit which they will need to beat for 4 years.

Though I guess donors could be on their ass.

At this point dems have to cave on the covid lawsuit immunity right?

They really should refuse to cave on that point and turn it into an anti-corporate talking point.

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Seems like Mitch knows they need to start cutting checks before everyone out of work goes full Les Mis.

I kind of want to reflexively say no to anything Mitch wants.


My take is a bit more cynical. It’s just for positioning heading into the GA runoff and he has no real intention of passing a bill. Cratering the economy is good for the GOP in 2022 and 2024. Longer term it can also be used to point out what happens when you elect a radical socialist like Uncle Joe. I’d bet a sizeable amount of money on no 1T+ stimmy bill getting passed prior.


Yeah this is my take as well. Politically not passing anything is the move. Only question is what the donors say.

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Problem is, Mitch is Javert

Nah. No way

JAVERT has morals. He has an ethical code.

Fuck Mitch M


Maybe Mitch thinks some sort of stimulus is inevitable. If he drags it out until after the inauguration Biden will get the credit.

This stimulus is a mirage. I’ll believe it might happen when Trump actually signs it. He’s going to hold it hostage trying to get the GOP to steal the election for him ldo.

Immediate stimulus would probably help the Georgia Republican election chances

It’s a misdirection. He’s going to include poison pills like liability waivers that the House will never support, then blame the Dems when they refuse. And it will work because the Dems are horrible at messaging why the Senate stimulus bill is horrible and worse than not passing anything. Mitch has no intention of actually passing stimulus without it being ridiculously slanted toward corporations.


The bipartisan compromise bill released by Mittens/Collins/Manchin/Warner today is for $900 billion. No direct aid, more PPP, and of course a liability shield. I don’t see it passing either house, or even getting a vote.