Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Trust me we know. We’re trying to get back in right now. We’ll have brute forced the pw by 11/4 hopefully. Why did we do it in the slowest and least effective way? We’re Democrats and we get paid to clean up the mess after the plutocrats party too hard and lose.

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The Senate judicial leader who also made Acb famous in the first place by attacking her so hard in 2017 lol

Mitch and Republicans passed a skinny bill. Don’t know the details but if its a legit bill to just help people it puts Dems in a tough situation where not passing it is a super bad look. It’s a 500b bill.

Giving Trump a win obviously sucks but if they’re offering to help people I feel you need to take it. Haven’t read the bill though and its probably shit.

I thought they’re voting on this on Wednesday?

Reporting on this is atrocious, but they haven’t passed anything. They’re going to vote on a $500 billion bill but it isn’t clear what’s in it (other than more PPP money, lol) and it also isn’t clear whether Senate Republicans are going to vote for it.

These meaningless developments should at least boost the DOW another 2%

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Mitch is bringing it to a vote so he’d only do that if he had the votes right?

Agree we need to see whats in the bill .It’s probably mostly grifting for corporations and a little extra for unemployment.

Totally agree reporting is atrocious. What I saw on TV was it was a skinny bill to help the American people.

Can we also assume that it’s timed so that it gets a lot of play on the debate Thursday?

The coverage of this has been atrocious, aided by narcissist Pelosi.


How are Democrats not pounding the table on this point? So incompetent.


Pelosi hinting that a stimulus deal is imminent.

Lol, wat?


This should result in a circular GOP firing squad when Senate Republicans refuse to vote for it.

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A deal between the House and the White House, right? No indication that it would pass the Senate, I assume.

McConnell just floating along letting other people take the bullets.

I should have been more specific. The STONKS market is spiking on a Pelosi statement saying it is possibly imminent. They should just drag this out forever the market is up 20% just on the STIMULUS IMMINENT news for literally months.

I don’t think the Senate would even vote on a mostly Democratic bill right?

That would be desperate flailing from President McDealface.

I don’t see how Mitch could avoid voting on a deal struck by the White House. But I am a simple man with little understanding of political STRATEGISTS.

(by the way, it seems like Pelosi is managing this very well.)

Pelosi has handled this as well as she possibly could. If she manages to get a 2T bill passed filled with primarily stuff from the original HEROES bill that would be an amazing result.

Looks like it will hit the Senate floor.

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My read of this situation is that Mitch has been bluffing about not passing stuff all along. Once someone hands the hot potato of responsibility to him he’s going to pass it as fast as he physically can. Every day that passes without a stimulus deal in action is a political disaster. Not because of messaging, but because people are getting really hurt and those people know people who also know people. It’s not a messaging problem it’s a reality problem.