Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

New GM stock. I don’t think it was a lot of money but my father-in-law kept his grandfathers Old GM stock until it was worthless.

Nah. If Trump comes out in favor of a plan, no matter how antithetical it seems to Republicans, most of them would vote for it.

Bailing out bond holders (which is what happens when bailouts keep zombie companies alive) is absolutely atrocious public policy.


Surely Nancy isn’t stupid enough to agree to an airline only bill. Right? RIGHT?

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Loldems always and forever. If we win 100% focus on getting rid of these fucking corporate ghouls



Kamala co-sponsored the bill to give every American $2k/month during pandemic

I’m hoping she and the congressional dems that passed HEROES won’t let him fuck this up too badly


Quick reminder to anyone who was punting to keep eligiblity for a stimulus. Today is tax day


We broke down and filed last night. It’s clear round two won’t be until January at the earliest.

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Yup, just filed mine. Sigh.

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Whether they get a deal or not, one thing this whole process has shown is that actually negotiating rather than instantly caving seems to be working. They have the WH up about a trillion dollars now from where we started.

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I guess there’s no reason to do something risky, but if Pelosi accepts right now, isn’t the Senate going to vote it down? Seems like that would backfire on the Republicans and make the election even worse for them.

It will still be blamed on Pelosi

Someone upthread had it right

Just keep telling them to vote on the bill they already have.

No reason to do anything else. Hammer that point home.

If this is a repeat I apologize. I got an email stating my PUA claim was under review. Apparently the week in July with 1600 in earnings and August with 1900 means to them that due to my “grossly excessive wages” that I’m an not really unemployed.

I replied with;

“ Hello,

Thank you for the update. I have been uncertain what to do.

Some background-I work as a scientific consultant and charge clients $160/h. My annual gross billing to clients each year so far has been in the range of $100,000 to $150,000.

For there periods encompassing April 4 to July 11 I had no work or 1 hour of work 4 times for a grand total of $640 over those 15 weeks. All of my clients shut down operations due to Covid. Those 4 hours represent four 1 hour conference calls in different weeks.

I had continued to seek out new clients. That resulted in a contract for up to 30 hours which I largely worked in two phases:

$1600 the week of 7/18

$1920 the week of 8/29

I have since gone back to the pattern of sometimes getting a conference call with a client for 1 hour. Those are the weeks with $160 reported in earnings.

So in summary

1 week of $1600
1 week of $1920
7 weeks of $160 each ($1120 total)
18 weeks of no earnings

So in roughly 1/2 a year when I would normally bill out in excess of $50,000 I have billed roughly 10% of that amount. Meanwhile I continue to have business insurances, personal health insurance and other expenses of the business such that my net is likely close to $0. I have been fortunate that my wife has continued to work but we have had to take a hardship 401k withdrawal to help pay our mortgage in 2020.

I appreciate as a technical consultant that bills $160/h, that my “gig” work (or whatever the proper term is) does not readily fit into the standard unemployment claim profile. However, I believe the purpose of the CARES act was to expand the claim eligibility to situations such as mine. I really appreciate all the effort the office has been putting in on behalf of everyone impacted by COVID.

I certainly would consider myself as unemployed for most of the past 27 week. I have been fortunate to never have previously needed to claim unemployment, so I don’t fully understand all of the details. I hope the above information provides what is needed to make a determination.

Please let me know if there is anything further I need to do at this point. Again, I very grateful for the efforts of your office on behalf of everyone impacted by COVID.

Best Regards”

As you can see I tried to make my point and suck up politely. When I filed for last week I did get the gig worker question for the first 14 missing weeks in May-July. So hopefully that means progress.

If I get everything except for the two weeks with high earnings that is about 18k+

If I only get May-July it’s still like 11k cause that period had the 600 kicker.



I really don’t think anyone outside the right-wing echo chamber is going to blame Pelosi if she accepts a deal with Mnuchin and Republicans in the senate block it.

It does seem risky, though. At this point your play makes sense, I think. I’m biased because I would be much better off if they pass something.

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Ugh. Sorry you’re going through this. It’s frustrating and scary since they’re basically making up the rules as they go along with PUA and they have all the power. You can’t even get them on the phone in many states.

Your email seems good to me. I’m in a similar spot and sometimes I feel bad about getting the money, and then I remind myself that I’m netting close to zero and that the purpose of PUA was supposed to be to extend unemployment to people who don’t normally qualify.

Hopefully someone competent reads your message.


That’s a good point, I might actually go back and look at trying to apply for July if it’s not too late. I’m pretty sure I lost money in the month and made $0 in August/September, so I may get approved. I think the letter of the law is poker pros aren’t supposed to get it due to the gambling ties, but I know of some in PA that got approved for it so I guess it’s a freeroll I should take.

What happened today? CNN headline was saying McConnell told Trump to stuff his stimulus package up his arse?

OK… Not those words but he has refused it



So lemme get this right, the Leader of the opposition in the Senate congratulates ACB the handmaid of her brilliant writings in law and just what a wonderful family she has brought up (cough cough) and the leader of the House gave away all her leverage at the very start of negotiations and gave away more monies to corporations than what was given out during the bank bailouts for basically what she thought was 8/9 months at the most?

Yeah… You guys been hacked