Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

It’s important and fun to focus the blame on Mitch.

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Yeah who could have ever seen this coming. Lol

Pages of discourse and we all know how it’s going to play out.

I wouldn’t say all.

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I don’t think the STONKS got the memo.



We’re being governed by world class morons.




So we’re going to bail out the airlines and tell regular people to go fuck themselves, nice.


If they bail out airlines without helping people then I may start a Super PAC to help primary Pelosi


Bailing out the airlines is so so fucking dumb. We have a system already designed to help them reorganize. File a bankruptcy like everyone else. It’s very unlikely things are dramatically better for them in 3 months so another temporary fix does nothing except waste money.

I don’t think the airlines are going to go bankrupt regardless, the bailout is partly to keep them from slashing employment as much as they should given the cratering in demand? And the reason they haven’t already slashed employment is because the last bailout didn’t allow them to until now.

It’s shitty to just bail them out and leave everyone else hanging but kind of like the Obama auto bailout this is being driven on the D side by unions.

I would have more sympathy for airlines if every trip wasn’t a Kafkaesque exercise in determining what it means to be human and if dignity is real.


Airlines teach a fundamental truth, that shit costs money

Such bad faith from Nancy expecting her negotiating partners to know what the fuck they’re talking about.


One way to keep most of the jobs intact would be through Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Let the creditors suffer, who gives a shit. Isn’t that the whole reason why airline bonds have interest? Default risk?

The industry is likely in at least a 2 year period of decline where they have no chance of doing anything but losing tons of money. It seems like an ideal time for a bankruptcy filing rather than extracting hundreds of billions over the next two years to prop up the industry.

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It is astonishing to me that McConnell has successfully outsourced the negotiations of a bailout to the White House so that the Senate Republicans can avoid suicidal votes.


Maybe, if they’re worried about the airlines laying people off, they could just, you know, pass some legislation that will provide stimulus to people directly. Maybe call it the heroes act or something.


I get it, you are making this argument:

The reason Obama didn’t listen to Romney wasn’t because he loved auto executives and their profits, it’s because auto unions also wanted the bailout and Obama wanted the unions to have his back in 2012.

Same dynamics are at play here w/ Pelosi and the airline bailouts.

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GM stock is worth roughly what it was in 2012 while the overall market has more than doubled. It isn’t at all clear to me that funneling taxpayer money to GM resulted in a better result than just letting them go through Chapter 13 bankruptcy.

I do see your point about the unions.