Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

So the October surprise is a giant stimulus package that Trump gets to take credit for and slide to reelection? Wonder if this was Mitch’s plan all along.

I don’t think it’s just Moscow. The other Repubes not up this year won’t vote for it either.

They’re about two weeks late. Theres, what, almost 10 million votes in already?

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yea i think this will be almost perfect for Dems, get the stimulus but by the time the checks arrrive people will have voted. The news can talk about it but not sure anyone will care until it hits their accounts.

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Can’t wait for the bill to go through the House and Senate–then Trump vetoes it last second John McCain style

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So I just scoured my various news feeds looking for all the positivity about the bailout… and it sure sounds like they still haven’t agreed to a state and local bailout or liability protection for businesses. Those seem like the same problems that have been in the way since the beginning right?

I don’t see the path here, and I feel like Pelosi has been this positive about this in the past. I think there’s a decent chance this is just posturing and this is an obvious no deal.

If all anyone is going off of is that politico piece, I really doubt anything is happening.

Romney is a NO on stimulus, no chance it passes

Welp, this is last week to get help before inauguration.

Fingers crossed.

The markets seem to be coming back to their senses.

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Anyone that has been paying attention know the chances of anything passing in the next 14 days is exactly 0%


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Goddamn McConnell is playing Trump. Mitch has one goal: to not pass a huge stimulus bill, while also not being responsible for failure to pass the bill. For whatever reason, Trump seems more than happy to oblige.

Man, Mitch must think he’s already dead.

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Talk about somebody that needs to choke on a chicken bone.



With the exception of that one interview with Wolf Blitzer, holy shit was that bad.

McConnell thinks Pelosi is stringing them along? By God, if she gets them to table the SCOTUS vote and then sneaks in a poison pill at the 11th hour - like, you know, more help for poors, and they just self-destruct, vote it down, and miss out on the SCOTUS vote, I hereby declare that I will never hate on her again and will acknowledge that she is the bad ass nasty woman queen of politics forever and ever.

Never going to happen, though, I think McConnell is high.



And new China trade deal week/month/year/decade

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And new “big new healthcare plan coming in two weeks”