Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

And a corollary to all this, why isn’t Biden out there every day saying that on day 1 he’ll sign stimulus/unemployment and make it retroactive? Have not heard him say much about HEROES act or additional aid.

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He’s got some commercials running along these lines but not that explicit on CARES iirc

Trump would prefer to have a deal, why we keep hearing about Mnuchin in talks with Nancy. He is just too lazy and disinterested to do any actual work for it, and the other people he needs to do the work for him are ideologically opposed (Meadows and Senate Rs).

I suspect the GOP thinks economic despair pairs nicely with a side of radical marxist Democrats are burning all the cities down.

LOL. I don’t think evil is a protected kink.


Hes in Kentucky and never losing his seat

Uh oh

I mean, have you ever SEEN Bedazzled? I think you’re wrong here

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Well, recent news will likely put quite a damper on stimulus talks

Ya I don’t see the stimulus happening now unfortunately.

It wasn’t happening anyway

Not happening before election; Trump trying to bribe voters by saying he’ll pass some unknown plan after election if re-elected

So late January is when it should happen if things go as planned and Trump and GOP lose

So Trump says “no stimulus” to which the dow immediately replies

Good god this guy is just the nut low at absolutely everything, its incredible


It’s amazing, stocks are going up based on news of a possible stimulus, so what does captain deals do? Immediately tank the market by 500 points by saying “Yeah, I dont want to do that.”

What a fucking clown.

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Not to mention, he clearly should take the deal. Just a stone cold fucking dunce.

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Yeah, lol at his attempts to hold the stimulus hostage, as if the Dems wont be granting a stimulus of they take power. Stupid fucking Putz

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Need ads and campaign trail and debate and news show mentions that as soon as dems take control, they will pass the HEROES act and will make marijuana legal and remove all sentences (Biden has said this but it’s not advertised much)

Win the landslide, do those things and improve health care, minimum wage, inequality, etc and then they can keep the majority through the midterms and even past 4 years.

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