Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

No way Cramer gets canned for that. He 100% should but he’s been an awful person for years and still gets to scream at the camera. Would have been nice for Nancy to make a bigger deal out of it and put him on the spot there.

There’s a significant non-zero chance he planned it, and that his bosses love it.

Trump signals he is ready to potentially cave:

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He probably would have caved initially if Mark Meadows wasn’t fucking involved. Mark fucking Meadows as lead negotiator on a deal you actually want to get done is a great example of how dumb shit gets when capacity to suck the guy in charge’s dick is the main thing that determines whether you get the job or not.

Chief of staff is not a job for a lickspittle. Someone really should explain to Trump that his chief of staff is like an underboss and has to be someone who can get shit done. I need that specific terminology because I know Trump will understand what’s expected of the role if I put it into the language of organized crime.


Are we getting more Donny Dollars?

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Look what happens when you stop caving in to perpetual hostage taking. Now we’ve got a shot at an actually reasonable deal that actually goes pretty far toward minimizing suffering. Hopefully we can get it, then run on kicking Trump’s ass on behalf of the American people who desperately needed real help.

The Monster Under the Bed

(The Republicans Bed)

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I feel bad for anyone missing out on the good news who instead only sees:

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Are we getting more Donny Dollars?
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You left out grotesque.

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If we get this deal done I will be overjoyed by the suffering of Mitch McConnell.

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I listened to almost all of his speech, let me get it for you…

A breakdown of his lies would be cool, he’s melting because of the filibuster

Not exactly sure what to think about this tbh. If I was Trump I would jump on passing this in a heartbeat based on the polling. So it may be a mistake electorally. But if they get anything close to this passed then the entire negotiations were a major major win.

This is good no matter what happens because passing a bill now is better messaging than “we passed a bill in May” at this point.

They should have been passing new bills every week for the past 3 months, but at least they aren’t going to ride it out on May’s bill forever. Especially after blocking the crappy Senate lolbill, they needed to pass another bill.


I agree.

Mitch won’t even vote on this, though.

If they’re smart they’ll keep passing bills with increasing amounts of stimulus. “The Republicans wouldn’t pass our bill to give every American $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000.”


Your friendly reminder that $2.4 Trillion is $7,500 per American, but you will see nowhere near that much even though direct cash payments would be way more effective.


Can this pass the Senate, though?

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Any of the dem senators can bring it to a vote whenever they want.

No stimulus and no hazard pay anywhere. Blah.

I’m under the impression that it includes another $1200 stimulus check because that’s the one thing both sides agree on.

According to this article Pelosi has the White House up to 1.6T. I also haven’t seen the doomsday predictions ITT with millions homeless and starving coming to fruition yet. There seems to be a very real chance the Dems end up getting most of what they wanted by not completely caving. Go figure.

ETA-Damn I guess I should read the thread before posting.

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