Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Yeah dont worry about that too much. They’ll come for it when they’re ready. Dont tie yourself in knots trying to get it back to them.

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Thx. Getting a lot of new client leads and have earned a few bucks in July and August. We are treading water. Would be nice to have the $15k in the bank though as opposed to an overdue account.

On the plus side, taxes are going to be low low low. Too bad I don’t have the liquidity for a Roth conversion.


That’s what’s shitty though, someone else is probably missing this money right now. People like dan. It really bothers me that I have it.

I have such a profound lack of faith in our government to do anything remotely competent at this point. Like it’s making me question shit I took for granted for so long.

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After contacting my state rep and I got an email from the UA people saying they were working on it. Then nothing. That was early July.

Probably others that need it more than me. I have the wife working and a high six figure 401k account I can take hardship if there is an emergency.

But if you want I can send you my address…



It doesn’t work like that. Nobody is missing out on anything because you have that money. And for any claims from late March through the end of July, the treasury just printed an additional $600/week/person out of thin air. The state may not even gaf about that since it’s not “their” money.

Hang on to it obviously, and be ready to pay it back if requested. But if nobody asks, fuck it. You don’t have any obligations to anybody. And again, it’s not like you have some small percentage of a limited supply of fixed currency. It’s all fiat smoke and mirrors.


I got paid for two weeks I shouldn’t have. What I did was send them a message to let them know, so that there’s a record of me reporting it. This was back in early June.

They finally contacted me to fill out some forms about a week ago. Don’t think it had anything to do with my messages, I think they just want me to certify for those weeks. I’m pretty sure I certified and reported the hours I worked so I shouldn’t have been paid, but such is life.

The absurdity is that I’m going to have to pay back this money and while it’s going to take awhile, it will be pretty easy once they finally send me the right forms, which they eventually will. I don’t expect there’s any chance of penalties or fraud claims in this environment. However, they also DID NOT pay me for two weeks that I should have been paid for because I had taken myself off unemployment then put myself back on, but even though I have a screenshot of my form going through, it never recorded in their system. I assume they can look this up, somehow.

I believe I will eventually be paid for those two weeks. But the money is a total wash, and it’s going to be a huge pain in the ass for me to get the money owed to me, but it will be easy for me to repay the money I shouldn’t have.

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As much as I don’t like Nancy this is ridiculous.


“You know what I mean.”

Yeah, she does. This is a removable offense.


yea she shoulda said “no i dont know what you mean, please explain”


By adding “I have such reverence for the office, I would never use that term,” he revealed that he does in fact think she’s Crazy Nancy, he just wouldn’t say it on air because she’s Speaker of the House.

Obviously behind the scenes this is how he refers to her.


I would hope she would have taken him down there and then as wireless above says, I mean wtf is he thinking, live on air.

If he dosent go, its shameful.


In the longer clip he kind of hangs his head a bit and you get the sense that he realizes he really fucked up. No sympathy for the guy, given his track record.


Why is Nancy Pelosi going on CNBC in the first place?

CNBC is Pelosi’s base.


The fact that Cramer manages to still have a career after Jon Stewart eviscerated him is a pretty big indictment of CNBC. We basically only have centrist and RWNJ media in this country.


I mean as you’ve pointed as well Democrats need to be out here messaging as much as possible on all media, they just need to stop doing such a shitty fucking job of it

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Nothing in my mailbox today. Dammit.

