Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Go into your preferences. Look up my name and click ignore forever. You won’t be missed.

@nunnehi if you ignore everyone who you can’t beat in an argument, you’re just going to be talking to yourself soon.


And LOfuckingL at blaming Dems for disrespecting the GOP. Stop stanning for Mitch Fucking McConnell.


A key point in this argument that explains it all to me as an observor is that Nunnehi is Christian. So he possesses the charming delusion that humans are moral creatures. Lol theism forever.


Problem with that poll offer is it ends in in September. Any bill needs to go through January or we just delay the suffering.

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I’m Christian too, so that’s not it.

What do you mean? That poll wasn’t going through September, it was going based on it being done through November retroactive to when the UE expired. The timeline for that being executed was money headed out before September 1.

All these guys on the other side of me claim they’re moral creatures, or did you miss that part?

My bad I meant November. Basically any deal needs to be until January.

I snap take any skinny bill that goes through to January.

TBH I figured Republicans would have made a deal by now. But I guess Trumps EO made them comfortable enough to figure they can cruise passed the election without taking much heat.

It’s all moot now and the most likely outcome is no deal before the election.

Have you talked to your friends who lost their benefits to ask how this has affected them and what they hope happens?

My friend’s wife has never gotten her benefits because it’s backlogged, and she’s being forced back to work in person and can’t hold out without the extra benefits.

They want Dems to hold strong.


They’re all pissed at and hate Trump/the republicans and understand they would have been just as fucked if the bill ended in Nov.



Best of


Venturing in to report I finally got a PA PUA email on my unprocessed SIXTEEN weeks. Yeah it was just a form letter that I’m eligible for the $300 kicker for 3 weeks. (Yes 3 weeks).

The state representatives have been told to stop contacting the department. You can’t get through on the phone. It’s ridiculous. It’s something like $15k.


Fuck man. Sorry to hear that. I hope it all gets resolved soon.

That sucks dude. I genuinely hope it works out.

I’m on the other side of it - I got a job right when covid lockdown started, but had filed for unemployment 3 weeks before. What happened was, I followed the instructions precisely and stopped giving weekly updates of my job status and they were supposed to automatically close me out. But nope. Unbeknownst to me I kept getting paid for several more weeks after that. I ended up getting like $8000 more than I was supposed to.

Now it’s a real nightmare for me to figure out how to settle this without getting screwed over or accused of fraud. It was their fuckup and they are almost acting like it’s mine.

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You’re gonna have to pay that back even though it’s their fuckup. Set it aside and earn interest until they ask for it back.

My friends wife is owed, I believe 12 weeks of UI+CARES. It hasn’t been approved yet and they’ve gotten $0 and they’re hurting. They’re also in PA. They’ve contacted the state rep a couple times, it hasn’t helped.

Of course I am going to pay it back, that was never a question. I just have no idea how to fucking give it back to them. There’s no number to call. No email to reach. Nothing, and I sent a request to their help line and received an auto response about 3 MONTHS later.

I was notified I need to fill out a form where I state when I started getting income again, and then they are probably gonna figure out I was overpaid from there and ask for it back. But I just want to skip all that and give it back. I don’t know if they’re gonna come back at me and accuse me of fraud or what. It’s stressful and stupid because I did what I was supposed to do.

I know a few other people in this situation.