Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Another 1,000 word screed on how @nunnehi knows best and the rest of us are monsters even though he’s basically been wrong about everything.

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Pretty sure I’m on the record for a skinny bill as long as it provided the $600/wk, lasted through January, and didn’t include a liability shield. I am a monster, indeed.


same here, just lol

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I would be OK with that too. When does Congress next go on recess?

You were on the record at the beginning of August saying this? All I remember is you saying Cuse is right, and he certainly didn’t think what you do.

Chuck and Nancy’s $2.2 trillion dollar deal proposed toward the end of the first week of August kept all of the HEROES stuff but shortened the length of the programs. WH said no, they wanted actual concessions.


Yeah, this… Same applies the other way too wrt that we’re also not being heartless and I just think Pelosi & Co are at it for political gain.

No that’s not it…

Cuse is Pelosi’s avatar. He just refuses to accept it.

“Communication isn’t what you say, it’s what others hear.”

OK reading further, I can accept if your talking about others who have not posted in this thread, then OK, there will be some.

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Says the guy who was Pelosi and Nadler’s biggest bootlicker for months during the Mueller probe. How’d that work out nunn?

I’m still shocked she’s handled this the best way (other then messaging). I expected her to cave.

To be fair she tried to cave to 2T which was summarily rejected by the WH. A fact nun conveniently leaves out.

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That’s a good point. She was calling for 3T or something like that, and negotiated against herself and caved to 2T. The GOP/Trump refused to budge and nunn’s response was to blame her for not caving more.

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Unless the bill has 9 figures for coal corporations like the most recent GOP bill we haven’t caved enough to “eliminate suffering”.

I’m surprised at this point that nunn isn’t calling for Dems to undercut the GOP to make sure something gets done. Maybe 250B?

Like let’s also not forget that the only reason 52 Republicans voted for the recent bill was that they knew it would fail. If 8 Dems voted yay, 20 Republicans would have jumped ship.

I went back and searched through the thread to find the poll I put in on August 12. There’s extremely substantive conversation for nearly two weeks before it devolved into the dumb slap fight this thread is now. My real entrance in the thread was around post 2214 but conversations were ongoing among a lot of people in roughly the 10 days prior. I highly recommend anyone believing any of the hype around what people think I believe go back and read how we got to point B from point A. You can even laugh at some of the places I was wrong about what was happening. But it’s guaranteed you will learn a lot about what went down in these negotiations and how we got to where we are with nothing being done from a wide variety of voices.

At the bottom is the poll I posted on August 12 when things had gone to s*** in this thread. Wireless Grinder for how hard he’s gone at me over the last couple of weeks was on my side on what I stood for unless he made the vote by accident. Many of the people who went hard at me who clearly saw that poll refused to vote in it. I have no idea why that is.

This post was for the peanut gallery who may be eating popcorn waiting for the next fight. It’s too late for anything I was advocating for previously. We got what we got and I was trying to stop that thinking before we passed the point of no return.

I would have supported that bill as I voted I did, what I don’t agree with is that that bill was ever possible or that it’s somehow Nancy’s fault we didn’t get it.

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is there some sort of super ignore I’m unfamiliar with

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I’m trying to figure out how you think that’s what I was saying. I asked a very simple hypothetical about what I thought was very realistic to happen. Nancy and Chuck never put that on the table. The WH did put a version of it on the table, no matter how poorly it was represented to us. Nancy never ever wanted a skinny bill, so she never even seriously entertained it. You can defend Nancy all you want, but I’m telling you she’s at huge fault here that nothing got done. She was so disrespectful to the other side that it would have made them look weak to cave. And we all know if there’s one thing the GOP won’t tolerate it’s being weak.