Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

Trump did an EO. That money will be flowing to some people (it’s actually happening 30 states). He is getting money out while Congress twiddles their thumbs. At this point, we have no idea who will get the ‘victory’ here, but it’s certain the most vulnerable among us have already lost.


LOL, I almost never blame the Democrats for Republican intransigence. This is different. Both sides negotiated in terrible faith. The way to get something done isn’t to stake a position you know your opponent will never agree to and dig in no matter what. That just makes nothing get done. If you want nothing done, you played it optimally. If you want something done you played it as poorly as you could.

I think Nancy didn’t want anything done because she thinks Trump will get blamed. All the people who lost don’t really care whose fault it is, they’re done for due to political posturing in the Ivory Tower.

The GOP is where bad faith lives, if you negotiate weakly with a bad faith actor you get fucked every time. Dems didn’t operate in bad faith, they operated with strength and conviction to try to avoid the worst case scenario.

Huh? Who passed something?

Says the guy demanding we all support doing not enough again.

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Will you ever realize you are attacking the DemE crew from the right? You are literally arguing for a Republican bill and that the Dems trying to actually stand up for what the people need is a dereliction of duty.


This is the last time I’m engaging with you on this, because it’s absolutely pointless.

Here’s where we’re at:

  • It’s almost the middle of September.
  • No one has received additional UE since July 25.
  • Some people may receive UE of $300 before October 1, but most won’t.
  • That’s August, September, and October rent for a huge amount of people in this country. They are dead people walking as evictions at some point in the not too distant future and you know it.
  • We have no idea who is going to get blamed for this at the ballot box.
  • Democrats have now increased their chances of losing the election by a lot.
  • If we lose, all the people who have now been lost will be joined by countless others when the s*** really hits the fan in the next two months.

That’s the absolute worst outcome. We’re already in it, and now the question is how bad it will get. We’ve already mowed the people down with the trolley by doing nothing. You got what you wanted quite clearly. I surely hope the carnage doesn’t live up to my expectations, but there’s no doubt we’re now getting a ton of carnage. The train has way left the station on that. But at least all of you on the other side of this seem to have plenty of money to get by while you sweat the election. It’s gross.

That isn’t remotely the worst outcome. You also continue to think the Dems somehow could unilaterally make anything meaningful happen. Or that somehow caving to the perfect point is the best strategy. Your argument is literally why we don’t have nice things here. It hasn’t worked in 40 years. It isn’t magically working this time.

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WTF are you talking about? I’m not advocating for a Republican bill. I’m advocating for something, anything to have happened that could have been completed 2 months ago. There was no interest in that and you wanted the trainwreck to happen because you must not be seen as caving. Mission accomplished.

Pretty much.




“Get whatever you can from Mitch” is a insanely bad political strategy or platform.

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So our Constitutional Democracy ends with the re-election of Trump, GOP increasing its lead in the Senate, maybe even taking back the House, no money at all is coming to anyone period, and the states go bankrupt. Even regular unemployment can’t be paid, and you think that’s not drawing to the worst scenario? We’re in it, man, now it’s all about how bad it’s gonna get. There’s no going back. I hope you’ll be okay with what comes. I’m done.

Motherfucker, the GOP wasn’t doing shit two months ago. They wanted a skinny bill to tide them over for the election because they know they’re likely to get blamed.

Nobody gives a fuck about how we’re being “seen,” it’s about getting results for the people who need them. Real results, not bullshit minor extensions that only help the GOP and delay the inevitable.

You can’t even spend 5 seconds talking in good faith to me. That’s not even remotely what I’ve ever said and you know it. Bye Felicia.

The worst case scenerios all include Trump winning. The economy crashing right before the election doesn’t help Trump. If this isn’t going to crash the economy then it isn’t the existential crisis you have been presenting it as. Your argument is flawed at the most basic level.

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Nunnehi has the political equivalent of battered woman syndrome. He’s blaming his side for the GOP hitting us and predicting that the GOP hitting America will certainly be good for the GOP.

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lol engaging nunn

that’s coming from a guy who watches Trump pressers


I’m gonna say one last thing to you and we’re done. You’re never getting another response from me on anything. If you keep picking at me, you’ll go on ignore.

Government shutdowns hurt the GOP with the public. Not passing stuff always hurts the Democrats. Nancy negotiated away her only leverage that actually categorically hurts the GOP by allowing the CR to happen clean. GJGE.

I’ve come to accept it is my equivalent to that. I need to do better lol.

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Congrats @WichitaDM you’re now nunn-shunned too. When 1,000 word screeds about how nunn’s right and nunn knows best and nunn’s the moral authority don’t work, and he starts taking body blows to his arguments, he refuses to engage.

Who’s going to argue this guy into the corner next and join the growing ranks of the nunn-shunned?

If you can’t beat em, disengage and hide.

These lives can’t be saved. What you’re arguing for is to kill millions more in order to give these ones a stay.

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