Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

My recollection is that’s exactly what you accused him of.

This is a work of art. Hilarious!

Not at all for the reasons you think it is.

If this is you trying to be nice, I’d hate to see what you being mean is. Oh wait, I’ve already witnessed it so much I had you on ignore for 6+ months and had told you that. Despite that, you followed every single post I made for months with what I’m assuming was a snide comment that I only saw as ‘View 1 Hidden Reply’. I usually would just put you back on ignore every time you showed up as your period ending. Then you were doing decent work in the COVID-19 thread so I left you off ignore. The very first post I made in the thread, you made a snide comment. So, forgive me if I don’t feel like I can trust you’re at all who you say you are. Your history with me proves otherwise. You aren’t trying to be nice to me at all, you’ve relentlessly attacked since practically day one of our interactions.

Nun trusts Jerry Nadler and Chuck Schumer who have spent their lives grifting Dem rubes to have his interests at heart more than he trusts someone who spends his whole time interested in and trying to figure out how to defeat the GOP after being raised by fucking Trump voters in Wichita, KS and force fed Rush Limbaugh and the like on every trip in the car the entire 90s.

Anyways I made the mistake I always make. Engaging. I’m throwing away my chip but im back on the wagon now.


You get from point A to point B in really interesting ways. I told you to give me solutions way back when we actually still talked. I told you all those solutions were 8 years and to keep pushing. You got mad. You’re a radical, but you claim not to want to burn it down to get that. If you don’t want to burn it down while being a radical you have to deal with the problem of working within the system and the problem of incremental change. I want to completely revamp the system by working within the system.


You don’t want to revamp shit. You want to cave, give Mitch exactly what he wants, and hope for a miraculous show of good faith from Mitch Motherfucking McConnell.

Definitely no help gonna pass and now they will paint dems as the obstructionists keeping people from getting help during the pandemic.

It’ll work since Dems suck at messaging.

Mitch got his 52 votes because the Rs knew it wouldn’t pass so they wouldn’t have to actually help people.

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Kudos for the senate democrats for blocking that nonsense bill.

I was told by holding out that we would get what we want and that something big would be done. It looks like nothing will be done before the election, right? Is this a good thing or a bad thing for millions of people out of work who are almost certain to be 3 months behind on rent right as we’re about to head into the worst part of the pandemic, wildfire season, and hurricane season? I’m very unsure now, because I was told we would get more help down the line for people by doing absolutely nothing before it became necessary to do something which we’re already way past.

We got Nancy’s potentially max carnage strategy (as the GOP cackles) with now no idea who this lack of action helps politically. Congrats to those who supported that something small before it was necessary being done wasn’t worth it because we could get so much more later. I’m sure the people affected truly appreciate you. Cuz it certainly ain’t any of you being affected.

Of course they weren’t passing that. But what if nothing else happens? What then?

What if we don’t give Hitler Rump Czechoslovakia! What will happen to Europe then!



None of this is “Nancy’s max carnage strategy”. It might be framed that way because the Democratic Party (especially the leadership) is horrible at messaging and strategy.

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Except it is. She refused to come down into a realistic number for a bill and dragged negotiations on way too long. She’s now drawing live to absolutely zip happening which will bring a level of devastation I don’t want to contemplate especially if we lose because of Congressional inaction. I don’t think she cares about people any more than Mitch does. She negotiated in terrible faith with the WH and belittled both negotiators daily in the room and in the press.

I can give you that message because that’s what happened. I’ll frequently defend the Democratic Party against the stuff I’m saying, but this was a major unforced error. There was ‘plenty’ of time to get something done (much bigger things should have happened by April 1 and May 1 that never did) before the devastating effects would have been felt and this is again why no major legislation is dealt with in an election year. Now the devastating effects are guaranteed to be felt even worse barring an incredible miracle than what any of us would have thought in early August. Each side is wielding the lives of the most vulnerable people in this country as a political weapon. Some here think that’s the right thing to do. I don’t. It’s immoral.


Her mistake was negotiating at all.

What she should have done - “We passed our bill. The Senate can pass their own or vote on ours.”


The GOP refused to come up to a realistic number or drop the liability shield. You’re on here preaching that she should have negotiated against herself.

Once the other side does this to you repeatedly you have no choice but to play hardball or you will get run over in every single negotiation ever, which is what has happened to Dems the last several years.

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Trump is way more likely than the Ds to get blamed for the resulting pain simply because he’s in charge. If Hillary had won, Mitch would be blocking aid for exactly that reason. There was a reason Mitch was less picky about the details than his caucus, he knows a lack of a deal is bad for the Rs.

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No, the other side refused to come up to a realistic number and dragged negotiations on way too long.

Why do you always blame the Democrats for Republican intransigence?

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The last 3 posts are great. That stuff has also been obvious to you guys and a bunch of the rest of us for a while. It’s honestly weird we are having an earnest debate about whether it is good strategy to cave to Mitch in 2020 USA #171.

The short term scraps you get with the Neville strategy instead of actually negotiating for maximum long term gain is how we got here and the problem the Dems have been exacerbating for a while. They embolden the other side, slide the Overton window farther and farther right and accomplish nothing good in the long run. Their voters/supporters all hate them more and more as they accomplish nothing. Lefties stop voting when Bernie loses and turn into Vict0ars. And for good reason.

Which is why nothing good has hardly happened in the US in 40 years while the atrocities pile up by the year.


That’s a totally winning strategy if you get the press to run with it every day for the 2.5 months she had to get something done before the beginning of the max carnage strategy implementation that began the day the $600 stopped flowing and eviction moratoriums were lifted. If it’s not sticking, you gotta negotiate. This isn’t a normal time when we can posture all day. May I remind you the GOP controlled Senate unanimously passed the CARES Act. They hated it, but knew the blowback would be immense if they did nothing. It also helped a lot that they gave a giant slush fund to the richest among us without any oversight initially. But it got done. No matter what anyone says here, something could have been done. I know that because something was done, something almost as big as what the House wanted this time around. You give them something they want, you get something you want. No one is happy, but we’re not needlessly sacrificing lives to prove one side is a better negotiator than the other

Your strategy is pure bad faith and again is immoral when you know the other side will not agree to anything even remotely close to what you refuse to budge on. Guess what? The GOP did agree to something now, something they could have done at the end of July. And now they’re more likely to get the victory on having passed something. One side’s sitting $2 trillion apart from the other. Both are willing to compromise. Mnuchin even said the WH would do $1.5 trillion. Is any of that happening? Nope, because both sides are completely negotiating in bad faith.

The Senate is who finishes laws and they put something on the floor. It didn’t make it out of cloture and there’s no scenario where they can’t claim the Democrats blocked their terrible bill. $500 billion sounds like a lot of money to most people, so it doesn’t look like nothing even though in the scale of this it is basically nothing. Most people in this country do not get that they should have gone $7-10 trillion in April and this pandemic would probably be majorly on the downside now with a ton of unused money going back to the Treasury Department. The worst thing you can do in a crisis is not enough. This country does not do enough over and over and the costs end up being well beyond anything the original costs would have been if someone, anyone, did the right thing when it was necessary. This isn’t a game, it’s people’s lives.