Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

You don’t get it and never will, it’s okay.

Just because they didnt comment then doesnt mean they wont. They obviously heard that the senate is looking to pass a bill this week and will comment then

I am quite certain we want the same outcomes wrt to stimulus. The only disagreement is whether you can get it negotiating in good faith with Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell. I think it’s impossible. You think it is possible. Tell me what I missed.

That delay certainly plays great to the American people when the biggest lying a-hole in the Senate is the only one saying things that actually did happen while materially misrepresenting them. The bad optics of the USPS bill were unreal. A number of centrist House Democrats tried to get her to vote on a bill that was smaller than the HEROES Act so that it wouldn’t look like she cared more about the USPS than people. She tabled it. Read into that whatever you want. Nancy doesn’t get anything. The game has passed her by.

Caring about the USPS IS caring about people. People in rural areas will die without a functioning postal service. The upcoming election can literally be stolen without a functioning postal service.

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I guess I don’t see how being terrible at messaging means the solution is to cave to get whatever you can. The solution has to be to stop supporting the mirage of a Dem party that pretends they are ever actually going to do anything. To work as hard as possible to overthrow this trainwreck. You know exactly the things I was telling you 2 years ago when you were accusing me of not being a “real Democrat”.

Obviously I don’t mean this election cycle but we are never getting anywhere if the Dems are who they are currently. We both agree they are terrible btw.

This was supposed to be @nunnehi

And FTR I would be for a skinnier bill as long as the main pillars are there also. But that was never happening either. We weren’t getting a 1.5t-2t bill out of the GOP.

Yeah no worries, I know that wasnt directed at me


That’s an all-timer right there.

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No one’s negotiating in good faith. Every day nothing happens is a victory for the GOP’s goal of displacing and killing as many people as possible. We are well past any outcome similar to what I wanted. Now we’re just waiting to see how much destruction this inaction is going to cause and how long that inaction will last.

This is 101 stuff, but it’s worth repeating the House and Senate negotiate bills between the parties. If the House has a majority, it doesn’t need to negotiate with the minority side to pass its version. The Senate has to negotiate to pass any bill because of the filibuster. With the House controlled by Democrats and the Senate controlled by the GOP, the two bodies have to negotiate with each other to get something passed. The Democrats in the Senate want to pass something. The GOP in the Senate doesn’t. The GOP Senate has determined the most they’re willing to give and put on the floor knowing the Democrats won’t pass it in hopes of scoring points saying the Democrats aren’t willing to do anything.

Mitch cannot pass a bill without getting to cloture. He’s not getting that cloture from Democrats on the pathetic bills he’s offered but there will be something debated on the floor this week if the reporting is accurate. If he puts the unemployment up to $600, he at least has a shot at getting that cloture. Based on what’s probably going to happen with the pandemic in the next two months, it will be worth way more than what it appears to be today.

The fact that Pelosi and Schumer spent two months negotiating with the WH instead of Mitch is the most LOL stupid strategy I’ve ever heard. You put a f***ing bill on the prez’s desk and dare him to veto it. You don’t get his approval. Mitch said, ‘I’ll pass anything the Dems and WH agree to’. What if he were lying? What if? I can’t imagine him doing that, but I guess broken clocks are right twice a day and it’s possible he wasn’t. All of this was unnecessary and highly immoral. For one side it was amoral as it always is, and for the other it was immoral.

25 people live in an area, we must save them now. 1 million people are affected in this large area, let them suffer. She should have done both.

If you don’t understand why the optics are so terrible here, I don’t know what to tell you.

You know you don’t have to do this in every post right?

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For the record, I never accused you of not being a ‘real Democrat’, I accused you of not being a trustworthy one. I think of you as Paul from the Bible. He persecuted and murdered Christians like it was all he cared about. Then, one day he saw the light and became the main missionary. When he came to the early Christians saying, ‘I believe in Jesus now’, how do you think they reacted to him? That’s you as a Democrat. I believe you’re on the right side, but you have a lot of your old self that seeps in to how you talk about Democrats. Those things make you very hard to trust.

I’ve decided to finally make the meme you all need to understand and never seem to get. Smacc sure gets it:Pelosi

Since you ignore it every time, I apparently I do.

Oh you believe in the Bible. Well that explains a lot.

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LOL, thanks for proving my point.

In your mind I’m culpable for my upbringing. One in which I had no control over. One in which, at great personal cost to myself, I have broken away from and been a vocal critic of for over a decade now.

Imagine the type of person who sees that as a weakness and you have nunnehi. Explains a lot.


That doesn’t explain a weakness, wtf are you talking about? I’m saying that’s a strength, but it comes with baggage. How can you not get that? It explains so much about why we don’t get along.

You started out by stating why you see me as untrustworthy. Also compared me to one of the bigger monsters in the LOLBible. You also told me I would never get it. You also felt the need to lecture me as if I was an idiot on the 9th grade government basics of congress.

The reason why we don’t get along is because you insult me and almost everyone else on the site you interact with in 75% of your posts and then brag about how you are a nice and virtuous person and we are are evil vile scum wishing death on the less fortunate.

We aren’t all morons. You aren’t a moron. You don’t need to try and justify your posting by making it out to be that we are a bunch of clueless morons who “just don’t get it”.


Lol, you think me pushing back at 5 people who always insult me are 75 percent of this site and my posting? You have a massive victim complex and take the worst assessment from every single thing I say. Same as it ever was. You claimed you wanted to be my friend again and then have repeatedly stabbed me in the back since. That makes you…untrustworthy. Again, you proved my point.

I’m not stabbing you in the back man. This is me trying to be nice to you. I responded to your posts in good faith and the way I would to anyone posting it.

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