Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

They certainly can’t be saved anymore. They sure as hell could have been saved at the beginning of August. And that’s what this whole fight has always been about. They got what they wanted. Now we wait to see how bad it gets.

Only by the Republicans.

How closely have you been following this? Just yesterday Mnuchin said the WH was willing to go up to $1.5 trillion. They wanted the optics of that bill failing on the floor to try to force the Democrats back to the table. The Democrats would be really wise to number crunch that $1.5 trillion into the absolutely most helpful package to the non-rich in this country. That starts with returning the $600 retroactive. A deal can certainly be made.

Munchkin says a lot of things. But yeah sure a deal can be made. Only when no deal costs both sides more. I’m not sure they all think they’re there yet.

They’re way past it. Say what you want about Mnuchin but he actually got the CARES Act done. The GOP was so pissed at him that they won’t let him do a meeting without Meadows who is one of the worst Tea Party Freedumb Caucus no spending dregs.

The Democrats didn’t have a hard time negotiating with him on the CARES Act because, while he was cheap and didn’t do enough, he was somewhat reasonable then. Guys that are rich like him can see a bad impact coming from a mile away. He’s not stupid, he’s just a toady. If Meadows hadn’t existed in these negotiations, I’m certain something would have been done in July, probably well before the $600 expired. Meadows wasn’t Chief of Staff during CARES.

If Mnuchin ran for president, sounds like you’d have a tough choice. Or maybe you just like wealthy movie producers more than Democrats.

You sure don’t sound like a real Democrat.


Lol @ this actually being a conversation. The correct answer in May was fuck you pass the heroes act, in July it was fuck you pass the heroes act, and today it is fuck you pass the heroes act. The only reason the Republicans won’t get thoroughly wrecked is Dem leadership are the all time worst messengers ever. Trump and co are still taking the lions share of the blame for whatever bad shit happens between now and November.


Do you think the result of your strategy would be to convince the Rs to spend $2t+?

Convincing the current Republicans to do anything decent is impossible. So acting like that is some metric behind what our side should propose is absurd.


Nope frankly I’ve never expected them to do much of anything other than try to grift some extra protection for their corporate buddies. First round they grifted over a trillion dollars to gift to businesses and the rich at the cost of $1200 for each of us. God knows how much liability protection would end up being worth, but they want to give up pocket change for that.

Nope, we gotta win in November or we are back to nothing matters and everyone who isn’t fabulously wealthy is fucked. Exactly the same as it would have been had Pelosi caved to Mitch. Nothing Republicans would be willing to pass is worth giving Trump something tangible to crow about.


Nunnehi-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with extensive knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain give the absolutely worst takes on internet message boards relative to objective criteria or to the performance of their peers or of people in general.






That’s definitely the best way to negotiate with an opponent. To always accuse them of lying and bad faith. I don’t believe he’s lying. His number is absurdly higher than the Senate’s and he was who pushed hard just to get something on the floor to start from as a win for Trump. They’re alley-ooping on the Dems right now and you all just don’t see it.

Cool, I’m glad I can add you to the stack of people who are just fine with tons of people unnecessarily dying and having their lives destroyed. This is a great scorecard, by the way.



What a sucker.

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So much for the $300/wk from FEMA.

The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry said they were notified by FEMA that the last week for the LWA benefit program is Sept. 5 due to “the fund’s depletion.”

Yeah I thought it would only last a week but not every state got it and then more people get <$100/week than I thought so it lasted 6 weeks.

Now nothing until the end of January at earliest.

Supposedly I’ll get $900 early next week and $900 late next week for the 6 weeks in Georgia. We’ll see.

I’ve posted a bunch about why that really isn’t true anymore. EVERYONE is connected to politics now on social media and because Trump is the biggest story in the world every single day. Back when most people didn’t really follow politics it was natural to blame the guy in charge.

But now you got everyone on FB and right wingers blasting shit about how this was the democrats fault and people in the middle or undecideds eating it up because democrats fucking suck at messaging.

There was a poll awhile back on who should get the blame for no stimulus passing and it was 42% democrats fault, 41% Trumps fault, and the rest blamed both sides. That will be about the same break down for who gets the blame when shit gets really, really bad.

Who? The GOP controlled Senate?

Great. Get them to pass a bill.