Bailout / Stimulus Discussion (Hints Missed & Shartz Fired)

They are real good at pinning it on dems and dems are real bad at convincing people of the reality of what’s happening. Got to give them credit for being much better at the propaganda game.


Trump snubs Nancy


Dems care too much about nuance in an attempt to be accurate. Republicans are more results-oriented.


Keep it simple…

The truth here is very simple. Mitch McConnell and the GOP give endless money to rich people and corporations and none to working people. The fact that Democrats aren’t even trying to amplify that very simple and very true message tells you they’re either in on it or stupid, either way they have to go.


This is stimulus and covid related. We can probably get more people to stay home if we give them money


Considering how awful the current stimulus proposal is in comparison to what was allegedly on the table a couple of months ago…does that mean nunehi was right, and the Dems should have taken it at that time?


The last several months are a blend of fact and fantasy in my mind, so this is a genuine question: Was there ever a deal that both the White House and Senate supported? I didn’t think there was. I thought it was Pelosi inexplicably negotiating with the WH knowing that any bargain reached would be voted down by the Senate.

If she didn’t push in those circumstances she’s even more retarded than we previously thought. The senate voting down a stimulus bill that Trump approved would have gotten them fucking KILLED in the election.

I’m of the opinion that Pelosi should have taken the 1.8 trillion. I doubt it really would have helped Trump, especially since people wouldn’t have gotten the money until after the election.

Amazing they forced a vote on a healthcare bill nobody fucking heard about but haven’t done shit with stimulus. They’re definitely complicit.

There was never a bill better than this that Mitch would let pass. This bill likely won’t pass. In short no nun wasn’t right. He wanted to pass a “skinny bill” including additional PUA and direct payments. That was as much of a fantasy as trying to pass the Heroes Act. If the outcome is the same either way then fighting for what is right is much better than caving.


I appreciate the clarification. When all of that was going down a couple of months ago, I tuned out of this and the covid thread for mental health reasons.

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I mean to be fair to him what he was advocating for I would snap take at this point. It just wasn’t any more realistic than the comprehensive bills the rest of us were advocating for.

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I’m not sure what the $1.8 trillion is that you’re referring to, but people wouldn’t have gotten any money from that ever because the Senate would never pass it. (Unless I’m completely misremembering something.)

Who is the “they” who haven’t done shit with stimulus? The House passed a $2.2 trillion stimulus two months ago. What else are they supposed to do?

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No way, senate voting down a stimulus bill would have almost certainly won us the senate, especially a Trump backed one. Trump desperately wanted stimulus, if the WH + Dems agreed to something the senate either passed it or lost the senate.

If we don’t think passing stimulus would have won Trump the whitehouse, dems not agreeing to the 1.8 or w/e is insanity. Either people get money and help, or the senate looks SUPER bad before the election.

It would have never had an up or down vote unless it was going to pass. A 1.8m agreement between Nancy and Trump gets shelved alongside the HEROES act.

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No. If RBG doesn’t die we have a better shot at the Senate. As-is, giving Trump the stimulus then may have given him a second term.

On top of it, no time is the right time for corporate liability shields and corporate handouts. But that’s the problem, sticking to their guns on this was correct but so was passing stimulus over and over to frame the election as a vote for stimulus or against it.

Given that eDems don’t actually want to give much/any stimulus, the whole argument is pretty moot. If they’re going to be a shit party that doesn’t fight for the average person one iota, then none of our discussions over what’s right matters.


Was 1.8T ever on the table? Certainly not without a liability shield and I doubt with much/any help for state and local governments.

this was from October 9th:

The White House offer includes the following, according to NBC News :

  • State and local governments — $300 billion
  • Unemployment insurance — $400 per week, through the third week of January and retroactive to Sept. 12
  • Liability protection for businesses
  • Stimulus checks — $1,200 for adults, $1,000 per child
  • Airlines — $20 billion
  • PPP loans — $330 billion
  • Minority lending — $10 billion
  • Testing, tracing, vaccines, and health-care providers — $175 billion
  • Education — $150 billion
  • Student loan forgiveness — $25 billion
  • Food assistance — $15 billion
  • Child care — $25 billion
  • Postal service — $10 billion
  • Employee retention tax credit — $91 billion
  • Lodging industry — $20 billion
  • Broadband — $15 billion

The WH offer is irrelevant. Mitch was never passing anything, or even voting on it.

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The obvious play was to keep passing a great stimulus bill and saying, “When the Senate passes a bill, we’ll negotiate. That’s how this works. We’re for helping people, let’s see the Senate put its money where its mouth is.”

But none of this matters because on these issues it’s not good party vs bad party it’s awful steaming pile of shit bad party vs slightly awfuller steaming pile of shit slightly worse party.

It’s the party of wealthy white collar professionals, mid-sized business, big business, and corporate America versus the party of big business and corporate America.

It’s not that eDems are playing to lose and colluding so much as it is that they’re fighting for what they believe in: the gravy train of donations from business.

If people like you aren’t cutting checks for those $25K a plate fundraisers that bundle donations to every candidate for a party, you don’t have a dog in this fight. That’s the reality.

You think Trump would have just sat back and not said shit if him and Nancy came to an agreement? The senate would have to vote on it, and likely would have passed it. Do you not remember how desperate Trump was to get stimulus?

By nancy not agreeing to anything Mitch had an easy out, if Nancy had come to a deal with the WH either Senate votes on it and it passes or they get the big stick from Trump which is even better.