
We all good now?

Everyone get their bullshit out of their system?

Good, lets move on.




This whole thing has given me an entirely new perspective on my life.

I donā€™t hold grudges. I honestly donā€™t remember a lot of this shit. And if I do remember, itā€™s justā€¦meh, whatever. Donā€™t get me wrong, I can lawyer the shit out of you if you bring it up, but only if you bring it up.

Now Iā€™m starting to wonder if thereā€™s something wrong with me. Am I supposed to remember all of this shit? Am I supposed to hold onto it? Am I supposed to let it eat away at me so I constantly post about it on this forum?

Instead, I read these random about moderation or old drama threads and see my name brought up for things that I honestly donā€™t even remember happening. Is this my ADHD? Iā€™d like to think itā€™s because Iā€™m mature enough to let the stuff go, but is that it? Or am I wrong?


I go back and forth on whether or not to moderate the cesspool that is About Unstuck the same way I would the other categories which would have basically been an auto silence.

You were never a biden stan. You supported Buttigeg. When he dropped out I remember you posting in support of Bernie.

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Thereā€™s inevitably going to be friction between the far left guys and the more mainstream lefties here, thereā€™s always going to be some ā€œBerniebro this, shitlib thatā€ back and forth. It seems like people on both sides are mostly arguing in good faith and not getting completely out of line.


i mean in their defense, you literally made millions by changing your avatars at their requests


I think this way of behaving is way more healthy than constantly bringing stuff up, or getting upset about things online that happened a year, five or 10 years ago.

Much of this ā€œdramaā€ is about things that happened in 2012. There was a gigantic meltdown that resulted in a thread being permanently locked last week because someone was upset about stuff from a decade ago.


Honestly, Iā€™m now kind of grateful to Biden because his nomination led me to become much more active in local politics as opposed to national races, and I feel like I am much more effective here at home. There was no desire on my part to volunteer for him. he just didnā€™t excite me at all.

I have moved on from the 2020 primary, I just wish everyone else would as well. Though, I will admit, I did watch the mayor Pete documentary.


The thread is locked, but it can still be read, and the end where your posts and the moderators exact reasoning for closing the thread can be read by anyone here.

We donā€™t need to gaslight anyone. That last post is a perfect encapsulation of the problems here of the last two years, and Iā€™m glad it was the ultimate nail in the coffin in that thread.


no gif avatards anymore. would be nice to have those back :slight_smile:


My recollection is that jmakin was the one who knew what the issue there was and how to fix it.

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So, the 20,000 words you wrote that day, about 100x more than anyone else had nothing to do with the closure of that thread, and the vitriol of that day? How do you try to maintain a veneer of a serious person than attempt to gaslight people like this?

Itā€™s not the ā€œfuck youā€ low level insults of smacc, or lowbrow avatar trolling of jalfrezi, but its really no better. I guess I should at least be glad itā€™s not accompanied by 5,000 words this time.


The issue is the creators of Discourse removed animated avatars for no known reason and putting them back would require heavy customizations that would prevent us from updating the forum software. Maybe theyā€™ll add them back in a future update.


Who are some people is in both? :thinking:

Iā€™ve never said I was above the fray, nor acted like it. The mere mention of your name or actions doesnā€™t dictate hours or days of posting. I dont bring up your actions to litigate them further. Thatā€™s the exact point that post was making! Youā€™re not (the character) Beetlejuice. Saying your name doesnā€™t summon you for chaos.

Good thing Jal caught a ban for trollingā€¦

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Hey guise, havenā€™t posted in a while. Howā€™s the whole RFC panacea as opposed to the simple plan of banning people who suck until the figure out how to play nicely. Eagerly awaiting someoneā€™s reply so I can find out how things turned out.


beefs are us


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