Are people who served in the military culpable for their actions?

There are a lot of questions one could have asked. Why she joined the military in the first place? Why she is no longer in the military? I could have gotten around to something like what you asked, but it would be a less adversarial tone and it would have been at least 4-5 questions deep into an ongoing discussion. I’m not interested in fighting skydiver.

Crazy how an asthma sufferer got a cough after spending four four hour shifts knocking on doors in the cold and rain. Who could have seen that coming?

That post led to this thread? It’s about maintaining planes ffs

Jal really had to stretch to consider that a place to fulfill his need to feel morally superior to others by drastically shifting the topic onto himself.

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You want receipts for me knocking doors and making donations? Seriously? Lol

We already know the answers to those.

I didn’t bother with the preceding three paragraphs so it was really no stretch at all.

I just wanted to know how she squares her on-yer-sleeve campaigning liberalism with choosing a career in an organisation that commits atrocities and war crimes, that’s all.

Silly old me for thinking it might be interesting.

Also, I don’t build some kind of moral landscape with myself at the purest centre - you’re confusing me with someone else here.

None of your recent posts make sense.

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And if I post receipts publicly, what then? Will you STFU? Donate to a cause of my choice? Apologize? Self ban?

Join the military?


Are we only counting those that weren’t drafted?

What are the answers?

If your answer changes based upon whether they were drafted or not, that’s fine.

Then I’m curious to know your answer for both variations, and justifications for each.

I’d settle for you shutting the fuck up and eating a self ban for a while.