Are people who served in the military culpable for their actions?

Because there might be a context to it. The other times you’ve done similar just caused a derail in those threads. I know you mean well and I’m not meaning to attack your character or anything.

The Democrats in Congress who were veterans tend to be officers rather than enlisted. Some, like Tammy Duckworth, were in the ROTC working their way through college. Jack Reed actually went to West Point. Ted Lieu joined the Air Force’s’ JAG as a military prosecutor.

I’d have to dig in a lot further to make any kind of determination of what I personally think.

Locking this thread would end the containment.

How do you launch a flaming missile at an AMA thread (with an on-topic post), which by definition is open to any relevant questions?.

Let’s face it - it wasn’t Ask Me Anything about the military, was it?

where is the skydiver ask me anything? Can’t find it.


This post, not a separate thread.

Oh it blew up in a bright fireball. There not being an actual AMA about airforce project management instead of this abortion of a thread is the real crime here.

Ask Me Anything doesn’t mean I’ll Answer Everything.

It didn’t feel like a good faith question meant to elicit an honest response.

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Asking if someone regrets their involvement in a somewhat controversial career seems like a normal question.

Pro poker player AMAs have handled this perfectly well.

I know, right? If you hadn’t been such a dick about it, we might have gotten an interesting answer.


None of you lot would have asked it so I don’t know why you’re so arsey about it - you haven’t lost anything.

I don’t think posting photos of military jets qualifies.

We’d be better off starting a new thread from scratch and asking a few people who served some respectful questions about their motivations, experience, and feelings now with hindsight. I know someone on 2p2 who was in the military who might swing by to participate. Skydiver probably will. We may have other vets out of ~400 posters.

If I wanted to ask, I would have started with a question about what she was doing during the Iraq War and tailored a follow-up question to whatever her response would be, trying to have an actual conversation instead of asking a gotcha question.

Maybe I would have asked, but you ruined the mood.

JAQfrezi up in here.


lolol yeah NBZ - you were just getting ready for action as I stepped in and ruined the moment for you.


My question had nothing to do with photos of jets. I’m curious as to your answer to the question I posed.

That’s a little weird but you don’t charge me any rent, so you do you.

You must be a hoot at parties.