Apollo 13 in real-time & other Space stuff

“Oh my god… ahh … uhh…” Lol, I know what that’s like.

first engineering photo in - hi-res images later in the day.

My wife conveyed it to an OBGYN’s wife having a baby. They know and have seen every single thing go wrong with a birth and they hold their breath and build their nerves and it builds and builds and builds for hours until the moment they finally know it’s over and everything is ok.

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Even the first photo is incredible. It’s so clear. I cant wait for the hi res

I hope they find Matt Damon.



Takes me back to the first Curiosity hazcam pictures.

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Really looking forward to the helicopter Ingenuity in the days/weeks/months ahead.

Think they should have paid extra and got a color camera.



I’m looking forward to seeing how many flights it actually makes. I think it’s planned for 6 but NASA loves to lowball their estimates on stuff like this.

So it’s going to take a nap now. Don’t work too hard out there, NASA!

I would be too, that’s years of their work that could’ve gone completely for naught.

Standby for ‘spectacular video’

“For the first time, we’re going to see ourselves in high definition video landing on another planet,” says Matt Wallace.

“We think we’ve captured, hopefully, some pretty spectacular video. And they come with a microphone as well,” he says.

One still image from the descent stage, looking down at the rover, may be available as soon as tomorrow.

But the first video probably won’t be out until Monday, he says.

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There’s a good measure of this, too.

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Oh my :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


Can’t wait to see the video of the landing.

This is so sick




Sometimes you have to remind yourself just how fucking stupid and ignorant these guys are.


Something like 50% of Mars missions end in failure, I can’t even begin to imagine how much pressure these guys are under watching their probe land.