Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!

I mean what else was he supposed to do???



How could he know how bad his Aides would get.

This is an odd take. The women are being widely believed and supported. Is anyone serious questioning their story?

79% think the charges are serious, they just don’t think he should resign. Seems like those are two different things.

For the record, I think he should resign.

Lol that is an interesting take.

I wouldn’t call standard misogyny “interesting”, but ok.

Yea I think that’s the problem.

79% somewhat or very serious allegations
59% not satisfied with his explanation and apology
40% say he should resign

Rough math, 39% of voters think these allegations are serious but don’t think he should resign. Even being generous, 19% of voters didn’t think his explanation and apology were enough, implying they believe the events took place, and still don’t think he should resign! Are we even “believing women” if we just carry on like nothing happened? What’s changed–we used to ignore their claims and now we pat them on the back and say “thank you for sharing your trauma” and then do nothing. Same result it’s always been.

Did you not see RC’s post from yesterday? And the replies to that tweet?

Idk what to make of the poll you linked. It seems vague. What does “view the allegations as serious” mean? It can mean that they think the allegations are credible, or it can be a trivial statement like, “Sexual harassment is a serious thing to be accused of!” If people do believe the allegations, then that’s even worse because why the fuck would they not want a sexual predator to resign?

There is a tendency around here to suggest the worst online posts are indicative of the population at large. There will always be terrible people.

My point is I don’t see anyone serious and public attacking these women. All the coverage starts with the premise they are telling the truth. So the idea that believe women is dead is odd

That said, it’s interesting people don’t think he should resign. Perhaps people think his behaviour is bad but not to the level of resignation. It’s not clear.

I think you’re being too optimistic–maybe “believe women” isn’t dead but it’s really just “believe women if it’s convenient” so not much different than dead

I mean blue checkmark shit like this has 35k likes on Twitter, straight blueAnon shit

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This is pretty cynical, but I can’t help but think that the reflex reaction of many men to downplay the consequences is purely self preservation. For my whole life straight men have been doing stuff that ranges from making women uncomfortable to outright coercion and everything in between. I am old enough to remember when it was totally standard for rom-coms to be based on “man gets denied by woman but doggedly pursues her anyway and is eventually rewarded for it when she comes to her senses”, not to mention godawful “man forces himself on woman and melts her cold heart and then she likes it” tropes. This was standard stuff in the popular culture probably up until at least 2010! I think that just tons and tons of men have skeletons in their closet on this stuff and it would just be much more convenient for them if we make a showy example of a couple of monsters like Weinstein, demand better behaviour in the future, and forget about everything else that happened in the past.


I agree there is some of this for sure.

I wonder though are people trying to differentiate degrees of bad behaviour? As I said, I think he should resign but maybe people are thinking his behaviour doesn’t rise to the level of job removal?

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o/u on the number of additional women who step forward? These guys always creep out on multiple women.


Cuomo has to go. Jesus.