Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!

While I agree Cuomo should resign it’s troubling that this only seems to take down democrats. Republicans just ignore it and carry on.


Republicans are results-oriented. They only care about these things being done by Republicans if they threaten the conservative agenda. (Or if homosexuality is involved.) They would care more if there were fewer safe seats and scandals could cost them elections.

The Democratic Party is a center-left coalition and a scandal has the potential to piss off whichever side is not aligned with the scandalous politician, so there is less tolerance for this behavior.


Also, in theory, uplifting women and not tolerating sexual harassment is supposed to be a Democratic value, I’m told.

Tell that to the Al Franken apologists.

Not sure you want to point to the guy who was run out of the party in a borderline case as an example of the Ds not caring about harassment.

I’m pointing to the D’s who defended Al Franken and saying they were wrong.

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So you’re saying that a party with 100m people wasn’t in unanimous agreement? ok.

I had some very strong arguments with people on partisan Democratic websites over Franken. A lot of people were unhappy about his resignation. Not me. To this day, people still regret that he is gone and I constantly remind them that he should be gone.

Cuomo should make like Al Franken and resign.


Good article from Ryan Cooper in The Week

High office is supposed to be a public trust. Nobody has a right to be a United States senator or a governor. But a great many Democrats apparently believe the party is little more than a social club that exists to advance the careers of its most prominent members. And if Republicans get away with being sex pests, apparently it’s only “fair” to let Democrats get away with the same. Reinforcing a culture of impunity for sexual harassment, and sinking much of the cultural work of #MeToo, is just collateral damage.


It has been 2 years 0 days since last allowing men to get away with that behavior

Not sure what you mean, I think sexism was solved when Weinstein was prosecuted. Kind of like when Obama’s election eliminated racism in America.

yes, cuomo is orders of magnitude worse, definitely not the same ballpark.

going after franken and getting him to resign was the right thing. Cuomo deserves all that franken got plus a lot more.


These scandals do cost them elections. Gender gap in 2020 was what, +20 for the Dems?

He announced today he is not resigning.

If this is about Franken, eight women accused him of misconduct.


The latest BlueMAGA conspiracy theory. I’ve seen this one multiple times today. “ThE tImInG iS sUsPiCiOuS” and such.


Hahaha its fucking Q anon. Trump will be arrested and jailed any day now. Any evidence against dear leader cuomo is a false flag psy op by the deep state of trump allies trying to help him evade justice. We finally found the common ground between dems and republicans. They both know that bitches be lyin’.