Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!

Glad to learn that there is nothing we can possibly do during a global pandemic to create places for sick people to go and not infect other sick people.

So you didn’t read through the rest of his Twitter feed?

No one has said anything remotely like this.

We also have places for nursing home patients that have covid. They’re called nursing homes. It would have been nice if stricter infection policies had been in place before the pandemic, but it wasn’t. Hospital discharges were not the major source of infection to nursing homes. It was the community

Lol no, what I saw in this thread was more than enough.

You just throw your hands up and say that nothing could be done at the time and people had to be sent back into nursing homes. 13k people died in there . I’m guessing there was a better way. Repurpose other structures into containment would be a nice start

If we started when Italy gave us a preview of the storm coming our way we might have had a chance to convert hotels into covid isolation. But honestly American sucks at pretty much everything that doesn’t involve making rich people richer, so I doubt we could have managed it.


Except it wouldn’t have addressed the problem (again, covid wasn’t carried in by hospital discharges). You also didn’t have rapid testing at the time. Tests were taking 7-10 days before you even knew. You’d also have the same workers from the same community being ravaged by covid, so you it wouldn’t work.

You’re just arguing from ignorance tbh

“Yes, yes, this one will do.”

The top 5 “most liked” NYT comments are all versions of “she was asking for it.” JFC.

And the only reason his hand was on your “bare” lower back is because your dress was backless. It’s common for men to gently touch a woman’s lower back if they’re even slightly flirtatious or gentlemanly. It’s not creepy; it’s generational.

Oh for the bloody love of god, can NO woman under the age of 50 handle being hit on anymore?! I’m a similar age to Ms. Ruch and I have never had a single moment’s hesitation in slapping some guy’s hands away - playfully or forcefully, as the situation calls for - and defusing the situation by making clear in the moment that the attention is not appreciated.

I will never understand these guys. Ever.

Guys like Cuomo or guys like the commenters Riverman is referring to? I find both people easily understood.

These rich famous guys who can’t stop harassing every woman near them.

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What’s hard to understand about people having a sense of entitlement?

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Its not just entitlement, I think it has more to do with the obsessive insecure competitiveness that runs through toxic masculinity. When you think everything is a competition vs other men then you grab all you can. In that culture women is literally one of the things that you grab to prove you’re the “winning” male.


It’s been like 2 years since any of them started to risk any consequence for that behavior.

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Yeah I was thinking about how in China they set up those hospitals from scratch in like a week. We have the resources to do stuff like that, but apparently not the will.

Has this been confirmed one way or another in any way? I was under the impression that the caffeine=ikes folks actually had some basis for their belief. Has caffeine even denied it?

This attitude is very prevalent among women of a certain age — I’ve seen it in some of my relatives. It’s like because this was just how it was when they were young, and because they were taught that it’s how it always was long before they were born, it’s how it always has to be. They can’t conceive of a world where this can and should be different.


Blue states elect republican governors all the time. And NY only just recently took the state senate. This scandal could definitely blow up the trifecta.