Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!

I’m just a standard Internet moron, but to me it seemed that the deal was that covid blew up New York, hospitals nearing the point of collapse, etc. Lots of olds in nursing homes getting the 'rona, lots and lots. They’d send the pozzed olds to hospitals, but many did not actually require actual hospital-level care. Federal folks gave guidance that said they can go back, and Cuomo put in an order that required nursing homes to take back covid-positive patients if they were able to adequately isolate them, had adequate ppe for staff, etc. Nursing homes get paid when they have bodies in beds, so lots and lots of them took positive patients back despite not being able to meet the standard in the order that they be able to properly care for them, and lots croaked.

So, that got distilled to “Cuomo forced pozzed up olds back into nursing homes and killed everyone he’s a grandma killer” memes from trumpers, for obvious reasons. Then, people found out he didn’t count dead nursing home residents that died in a hospital as dying in a nursing home, and boom we’re off again.

Then maybe he was creepering co-workers too.


What I’ve see is Cuomo taking a bunch of heat for forcing nursing homes to take covid patients. It was the only responsible decision at the time, and very likely didn’t actually cause the outbreaks from nursing homes (they instead came from community to workers to patients). Anyone who thinks otherwise (cough) is just uninformed.

Seems like he juked some numbers along the way? I don’t know. The nursing home stuff still seems like bullshit. The sexual harassment stuff is far more serious.

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This has been mentioned before but why was this the case?

hospitals were basically full and they needed the space for people who were actually critically ill to keep the system from collapsing


Cuomo sexually harasses women, and AOC wants people to have healthcare and good-paying jobs. Totally the same.

Didn’t Cuomo also sneak immunity for nursing home owners from COVID deaths into some bill? The details are fuzzy and I have enough to do today that I shouldn’t spend too much time digging myself.

it’s amazing this dude hasn’t gone protected yet

What’s fun about sexual assault if you have to
Use a condom?

Or never mind not that kind of protected.

Because of a few things. First we were near collapse at the time and didn’t have the room to board nursing home patients indefinitely. Second there was no rapid testing at the time. We couldn’t clear people with a cough or shortness of breath for days

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Sharing this one unironically:

What exactly are his values? Because the stuff he’s defending doesn’t sound like someone who shares my values at all.


He’s not defending stuff, he’s defending people

I dont know who that twitter guy is but he’s a real piece of human garbage. His stuff on AOC in that thread is hilariously bad. And there are very fair things to criticize her about - none of which he mentions. She’s just “bad” and I suspect it’s misogyny.


So hellscape it is, then.

lol “progressive/liberal” who likes people like Cuomo but is still willing to look past his dislike for AOCs politics and her “personal flaws” (not sure what flaws compare to Cuomo) in the hope that we can all get along and not be so harsh on imperfect people. I mean hey how many of us can say we never sexually harassed a younger woman working for us, amirite??

just clown shit

I guess we can’t do much better than this guy lol


See, when I think people share my values and then they do things highly contrary to them, I start to think they don’t actually share my values, not that they had to make “tough choices.”

The “tough choices” rhetoric is how Dems have justified letting their leaders off the hook for governing like Republicans for the last 40 years.


His tweet using AOC to deflect would be bad enough, but for some reason he also has to specify that he sees her “personal flaws” without specifying what they are, and then equates her unnamed personal flaws to Cuomo’s personal flaw of being a sexual predator.


And then smugly dismissing everyone who pointed this out. I’d say he’s not for real and just trolling if he didn’t have a checkmark.

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Sadly, this is a window into how most of these apparatchiks (and increasingly, it seems, your Proud Democrat types) think-- loyalty to party leadership above all else; rationalizing their decisions and failures no matter how odious or harmful; vague accusations and smears of anyone who isn’t 100% in lockstep with the leadership, often with a heavy dose of racism and sexism whenever that’s possible.


When I read that tweet, I thought to myself, “That’s the dumbest thing I’ll read today” and nothing else has even come close.

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