Andrew Cuomo: We got him!!!

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Remember 10 months ago when people wanted him to jump in and be the Dem presidential nominee? Life comes at ya fast.

He definitely strikes me as the type who will refuse to resign or ever admit to any wrongdoing though.


All of the “Kav was a politically motivated witchhunt” right-wingers that i know are feeling really smug about this


Cuomo is 100% an “I’m sorry if they took it the wrong way” type.

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I believed Christine Blasey Ford, just like I believe Tara Reade (who, for the record, had more corroborating evidence for her claim than Ford had for hers, although I do not believe Ford is lying). And I believe Andrew Cuomo’s accusers.

It’s just really sickening to see how clear it’s become that liberals and Democrats only saw #MeToo as a way to stick it to Republicans after losing in 2016, then immediately abandoned it to push their senile rapist presidential candidate across the finish line, and are resorting to crazy conspiracy theories because surely the governor whose brother went on TV every night to tell us what a great job he’s doing couldn’t be a bullying wannabe-gangster Trumpian piece of shit. We’re ruled by two political parties of geriatric servants to capital and their cults of voters who believe they can do no wrong. Depressing political reality.


Looks like you have pretty good instincts.

Also, a sixth Cuomo accuser came forward today.


You had me until this line.


If your apology can be restated as an if:then statement, then you’re probably a toxic shitty guy.

OK, well, I’m sure you have a good explanation for Tara Reade’s story and for why the White House hides and the campaign hid Joe Biden as much as possible and when he does speak he regularly forgets things including seemingly forgetting where he is. Or why Julian Castro (among others IIRC) called him out on it during the primary and then everyone pretended that was doing an -ism.


What about?
What about?
What about?

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What are you even trying to say? This is gibberish.

“What about the explanations for the claim I made that jman is disputing?” Yes, it’s totally valid for me to respond to that with evidence of those claims.


good god, this again?


Am I supposed to pretend your pearl-clutching is an argument?


Am I suppose to pretend your cherry picked YouTube clip is an argument? Qanon is recruiting. You’ll fit right in.

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I’m not really interested in discussing things with people who insist that the thing they’ve agreed upon is incontrovertible and that any dissent toward it represents some kind of out-of-bounds thinking. Jman said he was “with me until this part”; I asked him what part he wasn’t with and provided support for my position. I’ve collected plenty of evidence (section 2, paragraph 3) for the statement that’s gotten you all twisted up, as well as providing a more recent example, and if all you can do is harrumph in response because We’re Not Supposed To Believe That, then I see no point in continuing to discuss this with you further.

Believe what you want; I don’t care. I was addressing someone specific and if all you’re going to do is shout me down then that confirms the worst of what I think about the discourse on here.


you know you’re doing a good posting when you randomly bring up Biden’s mental abilities in a Cuomo thread. BTW, Your use of ‘brain aneurysms’ is uniformed medical sounding garbage.


Posting YouTube clips to support your personal diagnosis of Biden isn’t discourse. You have exactly no expertise in medical or psychological diagnosis so your discourse is really just thinly veiled ageism and mental health shaming.

I didn’t “randomly” bring it up, you dink. It was specific to the current conversation. Maybe you should try reading conversations before jumping into them, instead of just blaming the most convenient person for the direction they took. I wouldn’t have said anything at all if jman hadn’t commented. (The libs on this site love to blame the lefties for continuing a conversation when one of them takes issue with something we said, as though it’s our fault for responding in kind and we should just roll over.)

And “the rest of my evidence” is actual clips of him in public, so, using snotty “look at my youtoobz” language just further confirms the worst of what I think about the lib attitude on here. No need to have context to jump into a conversation, no need to actually address the topic, just “YOU’RE A DUM DUM BECAUSE WE ALL AGREED THAT WASN’T TRUE LA LA LA.”

BTW, “my use” comes from the New York Times, which you would’ve known if you’d actually bothered to read the sources even a little bit. Easier to remain ignorant so you can keep yelling at me, I guess. Good discourse we have here.