Altitude adjustment: the aviation thread

Wife and I are going on a vacation in March. Thank god we changed it to something within driving distance.

He misunderstood. Theyā€™re going to unplug it and plug it back in.

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So glad I have the luxury of flying out of Montreal for our vacations.


DOGE, please donā€™t push directly to prod


Planes hitting each other on the ground now, too

Trumpā€™s America sucks

Really stupid question but do planes have insurance? Like if I had something worth $20K in my luggage and itā€™s destroyed because another plane hit my plane, is it covered by insurance?

Plenty of time for DOGE to mandate all Teslas drive themselves or something, keep your head on a swivel.

Aviation insurance exists.

Do you have to request it? Iā€™ve flown plenty of times and Iā€™ve never heard of it.

Magic 8-Ball says ā€œLOL.ā€. Iā€™m sure this is covered in the Conditions of Carriage.

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I assume it would be covered under your homeownerā€™s insurance if you couldnā€™t get any money directly out of the airlinesā€¦unless your homeowners policy has an exclusion related to travel/shipping.

But anyone traveling with something expensive and fragile should be smart enough to insure that they have some type of coverage.

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The Montreal Convention (and itā€™s predecessor the Warsaw Convention) mandate what air carriers owe for injury, death, and lost or damaged baggage. Aircraft owners buy aviation insurance.

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This should terrify everyone. Why is everyone not terrified?

maybe itā€™s just me but Iā€™m really not interested in needing insurance in case my plane crashes.

There is a standard amount per piece of baggage that you can get out of them if you pursue it to the fullest extent. Iā€™m sure itā€™s far less than 20K. Can you get insurance for more than that? Iā€™m not sure.

I drive because Iā€™m afraid of flying anyway. donā€™t bother me (this is a tongue in cheek joke for the dense out there). dying in a plane crash is usually pretty instant and youā€™d have a hell of a last few minutes or seconds.

Few more crashes and maybe Iā€™ll catch an empty middle seat once in a blue.

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Its certainly not doing anything good for people who are afraid to flyā€¦

Or their spouses