All-time GOAT TV Series

lol been away from internet for a few days, settling in for long flight, get a strong start when it turns out youtubeTV is working on crappy SW wifi, ready to begin my internet adventure with something gentle, something chill, oh idk let’s try this unstuck thread on all-time GOAT TV series, click click, wait what do we have here, nunnehi’s anger cervix is fully dilated and convulsing in spasms of righteous fury, the final straw seems to be Frasier, it was always going to be Frasier


fwiw agree that Frasier was consistently terrific writing, totally worthy spinoff to Cheers which is really saying something, Frasier is great. On the other hand, Frasier > Simpsons is a pretty spicy meatball; peak Simpsons holds up better than pretty much everything from pre-Sopranos TV era and besides being awesome was an absolute cultural phenom


also I get that Succession’s vibe isn’t for everybody but damn, it is so so good and awfully underrated

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That was the hardest match up for me. I easily could have chosen The Simpsons but thought it wasn’t a fair fight due to The Simpsons being on for 950 seasons. May be the last time I make that decision.

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yeah I don’t have ironclad principles for these votes (well other than I’m almost always abstaining when a matchup includes a show that might be awesome but I haven’t seen it yet), but with Simpsons I’m comfy ignoring the last um 26 seasons because the first 10 were so great

My two rules are only voting if I’ve seen one. The other rule is if I’ve seen only one but don’t like it, I also won’t vote.

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Are you that person who sees the end of a fire, sees an ember, and tries to get the fire started again?

Surprised that The Wire/Mad Men is not closer. I feel like The Wire, while amazing, is less rewatchable.


You would be surprised. I actually lost count. Sometimes I just rewatch Season 2. Yes Season 2.



I rewatch all of them once a year or so, and I find the opposite to be true. Mad Men can be pretty unrelenting on binge watch. Especially if you deal with alcoholism and / or depression.


Frasier was borderline anachronistic even in the 90s. Started in the very last moment in our culture where you just couldn’t have a sitcom about two gay guys (so they had to be “brothers” constantly discussing how horney for women they were). Can’t imagine what it must seem like today.

I have another rule. I judge tv shows mostly by my standards today, not when the show first aired. So if a show doesn’t hold up today, I dont vote for it.

Which means - for me - many old shows are viewed less favorably. I was e.g. never very fond of the sitcom genre, and I cant really think of a single sitcom that I’d enjoy today.

On the other hand, I think Twin Peaks holds up fine, given how truly avant garde it was. You certainly need some ironic distance to enjoy it, but I loved it when I watched it for the first time ever five-ish years ago (and the reboot is stellar).


That’s a great example. In its era, there was nothing like The Wire. In a lot of ways its storytelling is now antiquated because of how influential it was. I love it but it has a lot of flaws.

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So without Frasier there would have been no Will & Grace :sunglasses:

I never get bored on Wire rewatches and I doubt I’ll ever revist Mad Men.


Even after several hours of digestion the idea that LOL Burn Notice was what changed TV is so fucking funny.

Fuck i finally get it nunn hasnt watched much tv outside of boomer CBS fare(that he may have MIXED THE SOUND FOR and posts daily about as if that gives him authority). How about watch the rest of the shows and get back to us?

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Anyways. Frasier is still dogshit and its wild that it was in the S16. Fight me.

Succession losing this round invalidates this whole enterprise. :man_shrugging::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: