All-time GOAT TV Series

Then that shows you more people than you think watched the show and the Beav still punked it.

I could probably find 100 examples of shows being way overrated in comparison to other shows that are different and great in their own ways. Using Rotten Tomatoes and other critic based ranking sites is a mistake and it’s lolbad to use IMDb rankings for TV. Just look for any TV show above a 7 on there and it’s a guaranteed winner provided a relatively small amount of people didn’t vote on it or it was barely seen. Most critics are about access and you don’t get access slagging on stuff. It’s ALL subjective, even the best and worst shows. It’s about degrees and taste.

Emmy nominations:

Leave It to Beaver-2 (best new series and a teleplay)

Trailer Park Boys-0

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You don’t get how IMDB and RT work clearly.

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I haven’t watched TPB and I’ve only seen a few episodes of LITB. I’m not voting for a show I’ve never seen hence me abstaining from several matchups. When I do vote, I also account for other things like popularity or cultural impact.

So? This tourney is for the members of this site. Do you think we should try to “unskew” the polling?

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Nope. I’m just saying in no world where a human being sat down and watched those two shows and we voted would the result be what it is. The result is what it is because the voting bloc has seem one show and not the other.

Like I said earlier TPB is not shipping it so I really don’t care. It’s just a shocking outcome way out of bounds with what the general public would have voted (similar to Slow Horses and NewsRadio).

Boy, you sure are being rough on the Beaver.


I’ll be careful to show who voted in the future because lol True Blood



Then take comfort in IMDB and RT. That’s what you are looking for apparently.

It appears that you do:

Forgive a humble TPB fanboi. The series is hugely underwatched in the US and endlessly memeable. If you haven’t watched it you should (on Netflix) although the first season or maybe two are really really rough production wise because they were literally on like a $2,500 budget per season lol.

I respect the votes of round 1 and may even vote for LITB in r2 depending on who it’s matched up with.


You literally said my show won by 2 votes. Did 6 people vote in the poll or did more people than you think watched your show?

It was 52%-48% last I looked. (Now 53%-47% over 30 votes). I only said of the people voting against I doubt 10% have watched it. You haven’t although you like to seem like an expert on the matchup. Although to be fair based on everything I know about you, you likely wont get the show.

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Actually, if you did a poll for the general public asking between these two shows, which one was the GOAT, I bet Beav crushes TPB.

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Honestly you are probably right. Amongst avid TV watchers I doubt it. Weirdos rating stuff on IMDB and RT trend towards TVophile weirdos so you have a point.

According to IMDB popularity ratings, Beav was 793 and TPB was 799.

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RT is heavily biased toward critic thoughts on stuff. If you’re using a different ranking state it. I’m very aware of what IMDb is and does. I have over 200 credits on there. Everything is heavily polarized toward fans and haters, so for a lot of shows it’s almost meaningless when trying to get an accurate picture of a show.

Well then I guess 16-14 is the definitive ruling. Congrats!

Yes, yes she did

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Doby Gillis

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if someone thought they’d like it, i’d advise starting season 3 and going through season 7, then restarting with season 1 and going through 12.

first two seasons, especially the first season, are real rough and create some lore problems that they just give up on. obviously they’re still getting their footing, bubbles is a completely different character in seasons 1/2. seasons 3/4/5 are peak tpb.

i obviously don’t care it lost, but i just can’t imagine fucking leave it to beaver being watchable in 2024.

i’d bet my house i’ve seen every episode 20x. like, at even money i would actually bet my house. and that’s only bc of the fat candy and colonel dancer seasons, the main ones? fuck.

tpb has been my comfort show forever. every episode 75% memorized type of shit. when i quit drinking, there were many, many months where it was on in my house 90% of the time. there were weeks where the only time it wasn’t playing in my living room was when either netflix asked if i wanted to continue watching or i was starting over after season 12. all of the movies dozens of times. the 2 cartoon seasons (them eating shrooms before getting arrested as the last scene of the last episode, tripping and turning into cartoons leading into the next season being a cartoon was elite lol), the us/europe out of the park seasons… hell there’s an 8-hour blooper/outtake video on youtube that i was obsessed with (interesting seeing the different takes on different scenes) for weeks that i know inside and out.

definitely weird, i’m aware. like i said it was/is my comfort show, especially in the first few years of sobriety (once the constant drinking didn’t bother me). best guess thinking about it is several thousand hours worth of trailer park boys :face_exhaling: probably halfway to that 10,000 hour expert level.

kinda regret not going to meet/greet them when they were in cleveland earlier this year. something about seeing the website and the prices for meeting, pictures, etc. turned me off. paying to take a picture? haha i’m good. but i was also a little afraid that if they blew me off or not into it and it made me feel like a chump i’d stop watching :joy:

lastly, there is no way any other show in this tournament is more meme-able/quotable than trailer park boys. if you name a character, i can instantly rattle off quotes and funny scenes, like even the deep cut side characters have a catalog.

anyway yeah, lol it to beaver what is you wrong with you people haha.