Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

We already have large Federal job centers scattered throughout the Midwest.

They’re called military bases.

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And one of the shittiest ideas we ever had was moving most of the military bases out of blue states. (Well, maybe not a bad idea. But a very bad result.)

I can do both but I’m different I guess

Do you think it’s easy for people who don’t have the time to post on forums to worry about all that

LoL no that’s over as well lady.

At least 3 children dead in the strike apparently. Just so depressing.

All our Christians are absolutely livid at Lutheran Social Services for bringing Somalis here.

6 posts were split to a new topic: Justified war? Yugoslavia and other examples.

we are all paying for it anyway.

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We should stop counting then so Biden’s numbers don’t go up.

I feel like Biden bombing a random family, if true, in revenge for an attack while headed out the door is the perfect chefs kiss for the War on Terror

Sorry, but this first sentence is tilting the fuck out of me. The person they killed was a “potential suicide car bomber” at best, right? Obviously not an experienced suicide car bomber. Better to say “American forces launched a drone strike in Kabul on Sunday that killed a person who was suspected of planning to do a suicide car bombing at the airport”.

If they can survive in the mountains of Afghanistan the sprawling plains of the Midwest probably would seem like paradise, minus the 40 virgins of course.

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We can start by confiscating all the massive amount of farms/farm land owned by corporations/giant agriculture companies and giving it to them. Obviously not right to take like small/medium sized family farms, but the rest of that we can give to immigrants. They can all own a share. I’m sure TONS of small businesses will prop up from that. Jump start the economies of those shithole states plus do some good. Not just Afghans though, also people from south america that are trying to out run war torn countries with no legit law because we overthrew their democratically elected governments.

All you need to know about modern America when it comes to immigration is that separating parents from children and throwing them in concentration camps was a selected policy and opening up America to a new generation of immigrants from the Northern Triangle wasn’t even on the table.

So it’s obviously not right to take small and medium sized farms but correct to take the large farms?

I’m curious of your thought here if you would like to share

There’s no confiscation going on, but governors and mayors across the Midwest have been going out of their way to attract refugees and it’s done wonders for the regional economy.

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Small and medium farms are supporting just families and local workers. Super large farms owned by corporations are just like one family or a board of people sitting back making hundreds of millions and probably paying their employees shit. Better to give that land to immigrants.

People making a modest living on small to medium farms is fine. One family or corporation owning like 15+ farms is not. From my understanding thats the vast majority of farm land in the US now.

Fuck I remember reading Bill Gates bought a ton of them. Fuck him

Thats really cool, but super surprising. Aren’t their constituents super up in arms about that?

Most single family farms are huge now also because they bought all the bankrupt smaller farmers’ land in the 80s-90s. They can’t succeed without a ton of land now. You’re buying millions worth of equipment that is super efficient. You need land for it to make you money.