Afghanistan Wars: The Taliban Strikes Back.

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Bush should really consider sitting this one out


Probably just waiting till the Americans really left.

Moar Barbara Lee

The reaction to her vote was furious, reflecting the strong emotions of the day. The Wall Street Journal called her a “clueless liberal” and asked if she was anti-American. The Washington Times called her “a long-practicing supporter of America’s enemies.” The phones in her office were turned off after they were flooded with calls, The Post wrote, and she received so many death threats that for a time she had a police detail protecting her.

Wonder what they said about her in WaPo. I could only find the news story of the votes, no opinion pieces from the time.


I hope WaPo dunked on her, she deserved it.

Edit: on second thought, ignoring her was slightly preferable.

Lol no. One of the best votes, probably in US History.

One thing I remember from that time, my F-in-L, who is not strictly lefty, not a hippie, and was in the Navy during Vietnam (as a doctor), said very solemnly that Barbara Lee was a hero.

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Not everyone in the public supported it.

I was there. I knew they wouldnt listen. This march was for history. I.e. we do not consent. You were told.


“Will not prevent further acts of international terrorism against the United States” - wrong
“Let’s pause and think through the implications of today” - I find this wise
“As we act, let us not become the evil we deplore” - mixed

Those rallies were about Iraq

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You read the part where i said i was there, right?

IIRC the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq had a very different level of support, especially outside the US. That’s why I am not sure why this is relevant in this thread.

Fair enough. They had different levels of support. The protest was also very much about afghanistan as well in large part. At least as far as i remember. But you put 1.5 million people together you are going to have diverse views.

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Very different. 156 people in congress voted against the war in Iraq.

It’s the difference between:

Barbara Lee is a superhero.


really smh at anyone who supported the war in Iraq and I hope you at least had the excuse of being an ignorant child.

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The US invaded Afghanistan in October of 2001. Were there any large peace rallies at the time?


She cast a bad vote, just not one egregious enough to be worth dunking on.


Large? Not like large large, but there were obviously anti-war rallies.

15k people