I’ve changed a forum-wide setting to allow users to edit their posts indefinitely. (This was previously set at 30 days, at least for Trust Level 2 users.) An important note, and the primary driver for this change, is that the editing window applies to PMs as well.
Stepping back, it’s probably worth reminding everyone that the admins here (currently me and olink) have incredible power, which includes the ability to open and read unencrypted PMs in message threads that we are not a part of. This is definitely not me announcing that I intend to start reading PMs. But it’s a reminder that that ability is a necessary part of the admin’s role. I am extending the editing window so that anyone who is concerned about admins reading their PMs can go back to old PMs and edit any information they are particularly concerned about.
It’s possible that people could use this expanded editing for bad purposes, and if so I can imagine returning the window to 30 days. But I’m going to assume that you all are good people and aren’t going to abuse this. (I guess what I have in mind is posting/DMing bad stuff, editing that bad stuff, and then denying that it was ever written/sent.)
If this is something you want to talk more about, we can discuss it in one of the site’s OG threads: