ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

The figure I remember is 6 million collisions per year in the US. Obviously those aren’t all high speed on the interstate but still.

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That’s infuriating. Things are so far out of whack and yet the media still defers to the cops while their colleagues are being treated like this. Not to mention anybody else that happens to make a convenient target for the uncontrolled aggressive instincts of these assholes in uniforms.


I can’t believe the Biden admin is doing this to journalists, was really hoping we voted this out

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Biden doesn’t have jurisdiction over Minnesota State Troopers.


This closing statement better close with just playing the full 9:30 video and shutting the hell up.

I should know this but who gets the final word with the jury, defense or prosector?

Persuasive argument.


Thanks. Given that, shouldn’t the prosecution use their final word to point out all the bullshit that the defense is about to say and undermine it? I would want the jury to feel doubt about everything the defense attorney is saying.

It must be different from state to state. In Florida, I seem to remember watching trials where the state does have the final say. Also Florida does closing arguments first and then judge does jury instructions.

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I live in Great and Glorious Socialist Ontario and I don’t even know the rules here.

I haven’t seen him make a single statement about what the police are doing, only wagging his fingers at looters. I get that Trump actively encouraged the police abuse but the silence isn’t that much better

Nah, in Minnesota it goes Prosecution, then defense, then prosecution rebuttal. Prosecution Rebuttal is going to be Blackwell who is their strongest attorney AINEC.

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Jesus, apparently there is a point on the video where Chauvin appears to be picking pebbles out of the tire of the police care while Floyd is pleading for his life.

Thanks, had no idea.

This defense lawyer has absolutely zero charisma. Really feels like he’s just going through the motions.

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nuts that any state lets the prosecution have the last word.