ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I can live with the weird latin terms. It’s the confusing use of everyday terms mixed with double and triple negatives sometimes - to where I have no idea if it’s a good thing or a bad thing and I have to guess based on the context.

What do you mean by “rolling”? Like intoxicated?

MDMA. Ecstasy.


Rolling is used to describe the high from ecstasy I believe. Like it comes in waves of highs and lows, the height and depth of which can vary.


Lawyers can’t write.

Seriously, listen to the hosts of 5-4 read SCOTUS opinions and tell me lawyers can write.

Shitty lawyers can’t write.

a lot of state trial level lawyers cant write. i would say that i can’t write. i can routinely dance circles around people at the level that i practice but it’s definitely the minors.

i had a friend in lawschool that went on to be a legal writing associate at a government agency and then big firm that would send me some of her work to look over because i guess she wrongly valued my opinion on certain things. and everytime i thought to myself that her and i dont even practice the same profession let alone could have attended the same school that taught it.

Lol yea you can’t write. Holy run on sentences Batman.


Bad lawyers use that stupid ass run on sentence style to cover for being terrible writers.

Bad lawyers also write 100 page motions that are ineffective word vomit that just pisses off the judge.

Bad legal writers try to make simple shit hard to understand, good legal writers make super complex shit easy to understand.

The reason you so rarely read super concise, easy to understand, persuasive legal writing is that it’s really really hard!

I don’t know why they’re making fun of him. He’s right. Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity and you can throw a much better fastball with a soup can than a brick. Tbh, that’s a lot more physics than I would have expected Trump to understand.


yeah. criminal law writing is extensively, here’s the law, here’s my facts, here’s why the law applies to my facts in this particular way.

my first jurytrial I wrote a 15 page motion including a section on the best evidence rule with regard to screenshots of text messages with no identifiers(name/#/date). The judge didnt read it and laughed and said they dont care about any of that here.

so now all of my motion writing i try to keep to 3-5 pages at most.

closing arguments start tomorrow, so there shouldn’t be too much of anything tonight

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I can, I suppose. I guess PM your cell # and I’ll call if I hear of anything?

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jman220’s first rule of criminal jury trials: If you are arguing the “best evidence rule” to try to get something suppressed, you’re going to lose.

Deliberations don’t start until Monday after closing arguments and jury charge. I don’t think it’s realistically possible to have a verdict before tuesday. Likely later than that.

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Anyway, according to AP, Fowler is a defendant in a lawsuit related to the 2018 death of 19-year-old Anton Black, who, according to the Baltimore Sun, “died in the Caroline County town of Greensboro under the crushing weight of three police officers holding him down” while he was handcuffed and prone.

Fowler was the medical examiner who conducted Black’s autopsy, and in the suit—which alleges that the officers caused Black to die of asphyxiation—he is accused of intentionally covering up for the cops by ignoring evidence of asphyxiation and exaggerating other potential factors in order support the official police narrative.


How unsurprising.

Shades of The Verdict.

Any chance the suit wins? Would be nice is this asshole was sued for everything he has then gets sued again for this.


Car accidents are so fucking sad and so damn common.

One great thing about car advancements is how safe cars are now. There are a TON of accidents but they rarely end in fatalities now…