ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Touche, I typed:

but in my memory it was “all based on nothing but”.

I wrote up the trip report way, way back on 22; when I alluded to it I assumed most were familiar. People were really morbidly entertained by it and I think they once drafted it in one of those ‘best of’ threads. This is going way back though, to the archives before vbulletin.

The actual story is also more fucked up than you’re probably assuming. I didn’t have a bottle of Tylenol-3, I had two loose pills in a bag of other vitamins and aspirin and supplements and shit (I was playing basketball at the time).

In the arrest report, the amount of pills increased by like tenfold, it said I was in the park selling them to kids (I was by myself on my bicycle; it started drizzling and I pulled in under a gazebo to chill) but the kids somehow got away on foot (but me, an elite level athlete on a bicycle, was nabbed), and most importantly there was no mention of a brand name ‘Tylenol’. It turned into non-descript pills of codeine, implying I was cooking them up in my basement, or involved with somebody that was. And because the little smidgen of codeine in Tylenol-3 is an opiate, the report essentially said I was trafficking opiates.

And it wasn’t a conviction because I pled ‘no contest’ but also wasn’t a charges dropped dismissal.


I mean, of course. Some teachers and fast food employees are assholes.

But like, no one expects CEOs to give up power for the good of humanity when they’re trying to keep employee compensation down. Shareholders would riot if that happened. Why the heck do we expect teacher’s unions to be altruistic and concerned with the higher good? They should all be aggressively trying to improve working conditions for their constituents and making it harder to fire people who goof off too much.


You can ask follow-up questions if you want. I ain’t mad and won’t accuse you of JAQing off.

I’m curious if any criminal lawyers have questions. I’m ignorant of the process to really speak to it. Seems unfair.

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Yeah but this is what you it say if you really did it.


Thanks for that and yeah it’s wild, CPD are out of control, even relatively speaking. I also have two almost totally trumped up felonies on my juvenile record, one arguably worse than this fundamentally but obv with far less repercussions due to the juvenile nature.

Actually, surprisingly, no, and even the few skeptics were not belligerent at all. It might be a combination of my writing style in that particular story being so captivating (not a brag, it was way too purple and flamboyant for my personal tastes, but people eat that shit up) and of that being a time before those dudes were all radicalized into deplorableness. We’re talking late 2006 if my memory serves me.

I had to give a heart for that deliciously dry delivery.

Yeah 2+2 sucked. I shared a story about how I was at a big party in a mansion in Malibu with tons of people fucked up on psychedelics. It was supposed to be an all weekend thing but cops showed up and forced every one to drive home even with people pleading because some were too intoxicated to drive.

This was up a big mountain in Malibu where the driving is pretty scary sober.

Any way me and a friend were lucky enough to catch a shuttle. On the way day driver thought he heard something so we stopped

Sure enough someone was screaming for help. Their car flew off the hill. It was way too steep to climb down and we called 911.

There was this one girl down there in so much pain. I kept talking to her telling her it would be ok, help was on the way etc. Well she ended up dying. It was traumatizing as hell for me and I would replay the convo and her voice over and over in my head

But yeah I shared it on 2+2 and a bunch of people called me a liar and worse because the cops would never do that lol


lord have mercy

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Is a verdict expected soon? Philadelphia deployed the national guard last night in case there was unrest following the verdict. Did the defense already end?

I think closing arguments are Monday so we should have it this week? I saw a huge convoy of military vehicles rolling past a Minneapolis city park while driving home yesterday

Ok, thanks. Thought it was odd that Philly had the military out last night as if the verdict was coming imminently.

Baltimore re-erected the barricades around city hall and the police HQ yesterday. They had been up for most of 2020 and were taken down a few months ago.

It sure doesn’t seem like they’re expecting a conviction.

Just some friendly curfew arrests at a gas station

Damn I thought fascism was voted out

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Classic DUI sting. Did your friends take the bait?

Some did and as far as I know there were no arrests. Luckily they had two shuttles operate all night to take people up and down the hill so a lot of people were able to get shuttled safely down the hill. No idea what people did after that.

I think there was something like 40+ cars up the hill that cops said either had to be moved or were getting towed so those people said fuck it and drove down which obviously wasn’t a good idea. But yeah never heard of any DUIs from that. Maybe the cops wanted to keep it as quiet as possible after the accident? No idea. My memory of some details are hazy, might be wrong as its been like 8+ years.

I was lucky and one of my friends I was at the party with most of the night lived like 25 miles away and her roommate came and picked us up and I slept there.

Oh yeah forgot to add, I was rolling during the entire experience which became really horrible.

I read this and had no idea if “prosecution rebuttal witness” was a witness for or against the prosecution.

Fucking lawbros man. I swear I think they get off naming things just to confuse laypeople. “They stayed the movement to deny standing! ZOMG can you believe it?”


I hear you. Whenever I see corpus delicti I immediately think of

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