ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

All unions suck. It’s usually better to be in one than not, but they’re still pretty terrible institutions that have the same failings as every other institution and their decline over the past decades was partially self-inflicted.


They deregulated trucking and made it the easiest to enter industry in the history of anything. Very hard to unionize 100k+ independent trucking companies hard enough to extort shippers and trucking companies.

Yeah it was hugely self inflicted and we on the left need to be honest about how it happened so we can prevent it happening again. It’s not less toxic to have societies interests bent for the interests of teachers than it is to have those interests bent for the ownership class. Either way it’s bent away from what is reasonable and bad shit is going to be happening as a result. What is reasonable is what produces the best outcome for nearly everyone (except the people who ‘lose’ opportunities to generate wildly unreasonable benefit from the situation given their input level). The businesses are supposed to be profitable, but in a reasonable fairly boring way… the employees are supposed to be getting paid enough to live comfortable lives and treated the way you would treat partners in those profitable businesses, and the consumers actual welfare is supposed to matter. That means you don’t put pthalates in fucking everything, although honestly most of the stuff we like to blame on capitalism on this board is really just power corrupts stuff. Power is what lets someone say ‘it’s fine for this to work this way because I make a lot of money from it, even though for every dollar I make someone else loses 3’.

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Sounds like these are the kinds of unions teachers need.

Both the cops and the teachers need unions who will strong arm people into paying them what they deserve AND allow bad apples to be removed with great force and velocity because they have really important jobs that need only good people. That means cops and teachers are going to be justifiably expensive btw.

This kind of follows Boredsocial’s first theorem of unions though: “Those who need unions generally don’t have them and those who have Unions generally don’t.” The one area where I think unions have mostly worked out fine (except for them getting absolutely waffle crushed by the corporations over time) is manufacturing. You raise the qualifications required to be a cop/teacher high enough and expect a high enough level of performance and then actually expect to staff the position the people in those positions are going to be the kind of employees that very much don’t need a union.


F that noise. Unions should be looking out for their members’ interest, not finding ways to fire them.

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Which means cops and teachers can’t have unions for the good of society. DUCY?

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You understand that protect a due paying member at all costs is often not in the best interests of the other members right.

This is a pretty massive flaw in all unions,


If the corporate interests are allowed to organize and leverage their power, then so should the workers. No one chuffs about whether it’s good for society for Amazon to run sweatshops but suddenly we get this handwrinigng when their employees start looking our for their self-interest.

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There seems to be a high correlation here with public sector unions.

This is kind of how solidarity works.

You barely have a grasp of what is being criticized about capitalism. How do I know? Because I’ve asked you explicitly what you think people on the left mean when they advocate to “end capitalism”, and you responded that you had no idea. I then mentioned some of the things, and you went into a defense of the owning class and called me names. Whatever, at least you didn’t wish death on me, I suppose.

It is fucking hilarious that you’ll broad brush attack and blame boomers(an age cohort) for all kinds of shit–greed, short term profit seeking, etc, but if I aim those same criticisms at the ruling class, you know the people who actually wield the power in our class based system, then you accuse me of doing what you actually do to boomers.

The unions got steam-rolled after WWII because the liberals and centrists agreed to purge the communists and socialists and anarchists(you know the people you hate on) from their ranks in order to appease the owning class during the red scare purges. Then the capitalists said thank you to the centrists and fucked them all, because that’s what capital does–divide and conquer in the quest to accumulate more wealth at the expense of the working class.

But sure, you, some dude who blames boomers for what the capitalists have done should be listened to about this. You, the person who straight-faced makes statements like “in order for capitalism to work you have to have a government that isn’t beholden to corporate interests.” That’s like saying “in order for feudalism to work you have to have a government that isn’t beholden to the nobility’s interest”. DUCY? or will you death threat me?


Not helping me think taser was an accident.


I dont understand the left part of this video. Is this some kind of Tik Toks joke for the young folks?

Some people legit can’t use their brains in high pressure situations. Obviously those people shouldnt be cops

But based on the video it really does seem like an accident. Still manslaughter though.

White folks, too?

I say ‘based on nothing’ and you ask me if I was selling them?

Here’s a question: do you think there was any mention of Tylenol-3 in the arrest report?

What was mentioned in the arrest report, pray tell?

Also didn’t see “based on nothing” anywhere.