ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

So the lesson is if a cop stops you with an illegal gun you better murder him instead of surrendering it and getting shot? Is that really the lesson cops want us to take from this?

Fox News likes to refer to Kyle Rittenhouse as a boy (who by the way ran directly at police with ah assault rifle and didn’t get murdered) while calling Adam Toledo, four years his junior, a full grown man.

AND speaking of Kyle…


Breonna Taylor co-murderer going to need another outlet for their book. Although these “cancellations” are getting tiresome as all they really do is serve as massive free publicity for the alleged author while the publisher/distributor pats themself on the back.

How about not making deals in the first place and not having distribution deals with companies who regularly publish hate manifestos?

Jesus I have been awake for ten minutes and today has been annoying as F.



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This is pretty much a given for any of these cases now. The murderer will have a history of arson, bed wetting , animal cruelty and a jacket full of abuse allegations on thd job.

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Lol police unions

Were they being sold? Not having prescription “on hand” shouldn’t matter if there’s a record of it having been prescribed to the owner, no?

They don’t have to check for that before they take you in.

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Right but conviction?

@6ix’s scenario didn’t involve a conviction.

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Ah good point. I misread “charge on record”, but a dismissed charge isn’t really a big deal?

Sounds like a fucking police state.

Just take their guns away.

Holy shit, man.

one officer explaining that he enlarged photos of his own kids to use as targets so that he would not be caught off guard with such a drastically new experience while on duty


The teachers unions are almost as bad. They have failed miserably at getting teachers paid, the only things they’ve succeeded at is getting school districts to make promises they can never keep on pensions and prevent incompetent teachers who ruin children economically from being removed.

As unions at least the police unions have succeeded in strong arming cities into paying them a living wage.

And that is exactly the kind of thinking that is going around PD’s nationwide. The focus is on being personally safe not on protecting the public. These guys are supposed to be headed into the line of fire for us according to the television shows. Instead they are more than willing to put us in the line of fire on the off hand chance that they might have the tiniest sliver of personal risk.

Police officers use of force should be held to an insanely detailed standard and they should be VERY anxious after a totally legitimate use of force that they might be held accountable in some way. Instead we have the exact opposite of that. The cops who are currently cops have a core belief that they are going to work in a warzone and that’s not going to change for them because people just aren’t that malleable in terms of habits. They have to go. This fuckwit didn’t want to hesitate if he needed to shoot a kid. This isn’t a warzone with child soldiers carrying out suicide attacks lol. What the actual fuck.


Living wage? These gangs making like 200+ a year to destroy communities is extortion. I love unions and anyone working for the government should be paid well but the amount they get paid is ridiculous.

Then again of they actually provided value to communities I wouldn’t really mind

As unions they’re doing a pretty good job of getting their members paid and protected. The things you’re describing are the problems with unions that are too powerful.

I’m in trucking and the entire industry was designed in the aftermath of a powerful union absolutely raping the national economy for decades and finally getting gutted.

Anyone ever noticed how terrified literally every industry is of unionization? That’s because of the Teamsters, the Longshoremen, and to a much lesser degree the UAW (whose only real sin was in not going full bore literally no holds barred against anti union regulations and union free plants in the South for foreign manufacturers).

I’m not anti union, but I’ve also operated through a few port strikes that caused a lot of harm to a lot of pretty normal people so that some crane operators could make 30k more a year on their low-mid six figure pay package with cop style OT at the port of Long Beach.

The bottom line is that unions are human institutions that can gain power and power is inherently corrupting. Believing that the large powerful institutions that are most closely located next to us ideologically are somehow immune from the corrupting influence of power is a big leak. I’m pretty sure someone brain scanned powerful people and showed that their brains have literally changed to have less empathy etc. That’s going to happen to all of us if we are successful and to combat it we’re going to have to be aware of it.


So how did the Teamsters get got?