ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

His hand was empty when he raised it up, they already lied about him “pointing a gun at cops”

I’m aware

Convicting a white lady cop for shooting a black man? HAha. Who wants to lose a prop bet?

It’s not like she broke in to an innocent guys appartment and murdered him simply for existing in his own home. That would surely get the white lady cop convicted, right?

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The unfortunate reality is most white people who say that are inadvertently betraying their class privilege in an attempt to acknowledge their white privilege. Like, great, you never spent a weekend in the country jail and ended up with a felony drug trafficking charge on your record, all based on not having the prescription on hand for your Tylenol-3, awesome, thanks for the contribution.


Were they saying he pointed a gun when he was shot, or initially which kicked off the whole chase?

Twitter is lit, they’re trying to simultaneously say he “had a gun” and that he tossed off the gun, which would also qualify as “had”, both to justify the shooting. Schrodinger’s gun possession.

Like, in their mind there’s no way this ends up with the kid not dying. Cops said ‘stop’ and ‘drop it’, both things he did.


I don’t know or interact with any deplorables so can one of you all do me a solid? When one of them mentions the kid “having” a gun in any sense of “have” can you just hit them with 2nd amendment right off the bat?

“Wait, guns are bad now? It’s so hard to keep up.”


Before the video was released I read a whole article on CNN that described the kid having the gun in his hand when he was shot. This was related as fact. The article also made a big point of mentioning what time of night it was (anybody out at 2:30AM is up to no good) and the age of the person he was with.

Gun + White = Freedom
Gun + Black = Thug


Yeah, that detailed popped back in my head and it doesn’t even make logistical sense. You don’t run half a block and then change your mind and decide to have a shootout with the cops, gtfo, you run because you’re gonna make a valiant effort to throw off the gun.

It’s probably gonna be a detail that’s overlooked but I’d need somebody to walk me through just how that kid avoids getting killed, from a protocol standpoint. The cop said ‘stop’ and also said ‘drop it’, two things that happened.

Yeah obviously but the 2nd amendment point cuts right to the quick. It’s the definition of 2nd class citizenry.

You are right. Only white people can brandish weapons and not get murdered. Black people cant have any object in their hand or on their person of any kind and that only drops their chance of being murdered by 30%.

That’s their ideal society. The existence of 2nd class citizens is proof to them that the society is working correctly.

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2nd amendment is before 13th amendment. Lol black people thinking they can have guns in America.


I give cathartic weight to, “We both know it but right here, right now, I’m gonna make you say it.”

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In a black person’s hand, anything is a gun. In a cop’s hand, a gun might be a taser. Either way, the best bet is to just pull the trigger and sort it out later.

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I was under the impression that the prosecutor implied he had pointed the gun when he was shot and that’s why they did the walk back of the prosecutor not being fully informed


Oh I didn’t know, I was asking, but it does sound like some shit they’d say.