ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

This is not surprising, like if you have info supporting thr defendant and you don’t give it to them, who’s going to expose you? The cops?

The guy was murdered. Why wouldn’t the prosecutor subpoena all of his medical records?

I agree, I wasn’t posting so much for the white/black argument, more so just to highlight the wide range of possible outcomes depending on how the cops are feeling that day.

Here’s an old white lady, I’m glad this 80 pound criminal was stopped that day, I feel so much safer


I mean, yeah, you would think they would have. But the accoutn from the trial makes it seem like they didn’ thave this one. Whether that’s because their subpoena wasn’t broadly worded enough or because the hospital failed to turn it over, I have no idea.

From watching, here was how I interpreted things:

The Hennepin County medical folks didn’t include this particular test result in their response from the prosecution’s subpoena of all relevant medical records. It is speculated that was because this particular test was normal and did not appear to be remotely relevant. The judge suggested that they need to take a hard look and see if these folks are not doing the right thing with their subpoena responses.

As mentioned, the medical examiner who had testified previously watched a wacky defense “expert” testify that the idling hybrid squad car might have pumped so much CO into Floyd that the levels in his hemoglobin “could be as high as x to y”. The ME, on his own accord, knew there was a different type of CO test (other than the blood gas from the arterial line that had been submitted and testified to originally) that would specifically debunk this, but the judge said f off, the defense didn’t know about this other test result until like 7:30am today, so he suppressed it, but allowed the prosecution’s expert to be recalled and refute it with the existing blood gas results. Pretty much a nothingburger tbh because they already had testimony refuting a claim that it was CO poisoning.

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CO or CO2?

Similar to Target fixation - Wikipedia

Pilots and motorcyclists talk about it and the tendency to fly or head straight for what they’re trying to avoid.

Not trying to say anything about whether or not that’s like what happened here.

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Right you are. Carbon monoxide ldo.

This is what happens when people are confronted with the reality of the situation that is different from their internalized fiction. By the end of the video Robertson reasserts the fiction, so he’s obviously not ready to let it go, but the increasing use of body cameras is going to force some people to see that cops are not the superheroes that they like to pretend they are.

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I had forgotten about Pat Robertson and had you asked me earlier today, I would have probably guessed that he was dead.

Video of the 13 year old being murdered by Chicago police was released today

Wonder how many “uninformed” statements prosecutors have made when there hasn’t been video

I was actually wondering about this. My assumption is a drug test is automatic with an officer involved shooting but I am sure lol me.

It is odd that black people seem more likely to be accidentally tasered.

Honestly sickening this is our second mayor in a row complicit in trying to cover up the murder of a kid. Fuck these people so much




That cop was just trying to take a photo for Instagram and accidentally grabbed their gun.

Yeah thought the same but posted anyway

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Seems like the Breonna Taylor murder was a good career move:

Chicago cop is never, ever getting convicted when the kid had a gun. Probably won’t even get indicted.

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