ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

The defense using body cam footage wasn’t something I was expecting.


I really can’t wait for the analysis of this defense closing argument. Its really pretty rough. Maybe Chauvin thinks his best chance is to appeal for a new trial based on an inadequate defense.

I have tried this strategy when asked by my wife to explain my actions. It does not work, sir.


What the fuck?

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This is their “the crowd was threatening them” BS, I think.

Lol, anything can happen with a jury, but holy shit this defense attorney sucks horribly.

Maybe the defense attorney is throwing it for the good of the country or some shit? lol.

This guy is a very bad lawyer.

Moms watching this and said the closing argument for the defense is pretty damn good and she’s worried about a hung jury.


If this one doesn’t result in a conviction we can just completely give up trying to ever hold police accountable for anything. It is a cold blooded murder caught on tape.





Nice florida man can run over protestors with immunity lol

Great, now all that I can imagine McGruff the Crime Dog inserted into this scene

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Prosecutor talking now is doing a great job.

Isn’t this case pretty tough for the defense because, due to Minnesota’s batshit felony murder law, if Chauvin is guilty of assault he’s guilty of second degree murder? Like in most states the underlying crime can’t be the same thing as what directly lead to the death. But lol, not in Minnesota! So the defense lawyer has to show that Chauvin didn’t assault Floyd, which, uh, seems like a stretch.

Which, if they can use an assault to be the underlying felony in a felony murder how does anyone ever get convicted of manslaughter in that state?

Wow yeah I feel terrible for the defense.


The defense lawyer did nothing wrong, other than possibly being a shitty lawyer. I was just saying it seems like a tough case to defend.