ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

It’s a tough case to defend because the defendant straight up murdered a guy and the entire thing was filmed from start to finish by multiple cameras.


What’s different about Minnesota’s law from other states’ laws in this area?

Oddly enough, the Viking’s consistent yearly heartbreaks are written into our laws and was signed by Governor Ventura.


In most states the felony has to be separate from the act of killing. Like if I’m giving my friends a ride to the liquor store and they do some armed robbing and oopsie, kill the clerk, I can be charged with murder even though I was just the getaway driver. There the underlying, intrinsically dangerous offense is the armed robbery. But most states don’t allow lesser included offenses to be the underlying felony. So a murder will often include a felonious assault, but you can’t use that assault for a felony murder charge. Except, in MN, you can? Not a law expert by any means, but that’s my understanding.

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The reason George Floyd died wasn’t because his heart was too big — it was because Derrick Chauvin’s heart was too small.

Excellent summation by prosecution.


Argument is done, now getting jury instructions.

Oh no. What ever would we do without the police?

As a country we are in some serious battered spouse denial when it comes to the police.

Any verdict O/U guesses?

ETA: how long they take, I mean

Will there be a conviction?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

What will the verdict be?
  • guilty of second degree murder
  • guilty of third degree murder
  • guilty of second degree manslaughter
  • Not guilty
  • hung jury

0 voters

you’d have to show me a bunch of different ones to really tell… minnesota’s seem’s fairly standardish… some state’s outline what felonies are to be included or not, which i guess is what keed is getting at?

like my state enumerates like twenty specific felonies that count towards murder 1 charge variation of felony murder, and then a few more that count towards murder 2 charge

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I voted Sweet Summer Yes.


This is what I was getting at:

The merger doctrine excludes from the offenses that qualify as underlying offenses any felony that is presupposed by a murder charge. For example, nearly all murders involve some type of assault, but so do many cases of manslaughter. To count any death that occurred during the course of an assault as felony murder would obliterate a distinction that is carefully set by the legislature. However, merger may not apply when an assault against one person results in the death of a different person.[4]

lol ownedddd


Haha good. F him and haha Woods.

Probably only manslaughter but I can’t see him being found innocent

Might take some days though

Everything points to a conviction of some kind but I’m expecting something like this

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Fucking absurd


Anyone know why? Is there a gag order for the entire public about Floyd’s case until the verdict is delivered?