ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

I’d like to know too. The reason does seem completely absurd. Gotta wonder if he’ll be found guilty but be overturned on appeal or something fucked up like that.

did they make a motion for a mistrial based on the statement? is that why he would have commented? if so he obviously denied the motion.

also didn’t you hear that one cop had a stroke in the middle of being hit with the flag pole, so checkmate lib-no murder.

That is so fucking tilting.

Lol, because this judge isn’t great. That’s not going to be grounds for appeal.

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I just hope that judge isn’t like that one Deplorable judge on Law & Order that overruled the NRA being found guilty. Man that episode pissed me off.

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Ya hate to see it


what, you gonna hold them accountable with dumb internet edgelording? That’ll show em.

I support jury nullification in trials of anyone who tries to hold cops accountable for murders they got away with.

get out there and start making moves. What are you wasting time here for.

I’ve been on two juries. They are all jury nullification because the GD instructions are very difficult in my personal experience. The one about gun possession was in particular.

We asked for clarification but were told we weren’t getting any. There was a technicality that maybe should have gotten the guy off but we said “nah” and convicted.

My move would be more along the lines of disseminating a map of where Chauvin and close relatives live.

The question is whether I already made the map or if I would still have to create it.

No, the question is who gaf what sort of violence you’re encouraging if you’re not willing to engage in it yourself. You’re a hypocritical coward.

I’m not encouraging violence. I am encouraging racists feeling terror in their hearts. Whether the perceived threat is actually real is unimportant to me.

You think Derek Chauvin is scared of edgelord dipshits on unstuck politics? I think he’s a hell of a lot more scared of the jury that is lawfully sitting in judgement of him right now.

Derek Chauvin might legitimately be safer in prison than not right now.

I’d imagine he would receive all the money he needs and likely 10x that for protection assuming he binks a one outer.

Hope those jurors are sleeping well right now.

Do you remember the video of the guy who was given an absurd set of impossible instructions while he was on the ground? They murdered that guy too, I think it was Arizona. They got off IIRC. I don’t have much hope.

Also, fwiw, the medical testimony from the defense experts should result in sanctions against their licenses based on what I saw. Basic physiology was ignored.