ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

A prosecutor going after a defense expert for perjury based upon an opinion given, no matter how much of a hack the expert was, would be really fucking chilling indeed. Also tough to see how they’re gone after in a civil suit. As far as their licenses are concerned, I certainly can’t speak to that.

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It’s silly to have lay people hearing and evaluating expert medical testimony. In a sane system expert testimony would be heard and evaluated by other experts, but that’s an obviously problematic dynamic in criminal cases.

In my limited experience in criminal trials the longer the verdict takes the more likely it is that a conviction isn’t happening because of the lack of a unanimous jury. So we better be hoping for a verdict today imo.

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In your world most juries would then also need to be comprised of lawyers. Former scientists who passed the bar one summer during medical school.

I actually think there’s a stronger case for eliminating the archaic idea that a jury should be made up of members of the public. Bench trials or professional jurors would actually make more sense, but that’s a major cultural change.

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Well that’s exactly why this went to trial. Chauvin is guilty as sin. His murder is literally on tape. But he’s banking on somebody there being so deeply racist that he/she is cool with cops murdering black people, thus avoiding a conviction.

White supremacists infiltrated the police to continue to fuck up black and Hispanic people. If only the left thought of doing this before they did.


I thought he made a deal and somehow Bill Barr shot it down?

Yup. He only needs one. Although a retrial seems like a lock in this case if the city survives.

I guess that’s right isn’t it. Or at least that was the rumor. I’m not sure Bill Barr nixing a plea deal says good things about the outcome here though.

I doubt we will see a verdict today. The jury knows how much attention is on this trial, and even if they were ready to acquit or convict immediately, they are going to take a couple days to grind on things imo. Not an expert but I think there must be some correlation between trial length and deliberation length too.

The only reason I disagree is this is one of the most slam dunk convictions you will ever see. If there are holdouts it will be for a reason other than the evidence.


The judge gives instructions before the jury goes to deliberate. But they’re (supposed to be) completely sequestered and aren’t supposed to talk about how things go behind those closed doors. It’s not clear to anybody aside from them how they behave while reaching a verdict until the verdict is given.

I’m imagining that everyone on the jury is in favor of convicting for something, but the specific charge takes some time to get to unanimity, if ever.

I don’t think they will hang. They have room to negotiate.

Clearly the top charge is what should happen.

Anything less than the top charge will result in protests that make last year look tame. As they should.

And again I think the longer this goes the less chance there is of conviction. I’ve seen guilty verdicts on much trickier cases than this come back in an hour. Spidercrab does have a point that they could be debating between the different possible crimes rather than guilt or innocence though.

Maybe I am naive but I think acquittal has to be drawing dead. It will be a hung jury or a conviction of some type.

This is what I suspect is happening. That is unless there are enough ultra-racists that can’t be leaned on for a verdict.

If that is the case, the other jurors should out who they are so they can be messed with.

I’m expecting a verdict for the lowest choice as a compromise between racists who want to acquit and the sensible ones who want second-degree murder.

:grimacing: TWEET won’t Imbed… Its Cops arresting kids while riding bikes in the street. WTF? Lol licence to ride a bike nowadays. :grimacing:

Yeah I saw that one. Was crazy. Cops took all their bikes. Although eventually they gave them all back and dropped the charges.

This must be the kind of stuff people want when they say they want more police patrols?

Again when are the police always antagonistically engaging with the public. All they do is pick fights with citizens at every single point of contact.

They have nobody but themselves to blame.

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If I say this, I get accused of edgelording.

Nothing edgelording about “messed with”.

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