ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Meh. I would say that it is true that in a case like this a quick verdict is almost certainly a conviction. However a lengthy deliberation process on balance leading to a verdict in this case is almost certainly a conviction as well.

Any verdict here is a conviction. It is just the longer it goes the more uneasy I will get that a verdict is coming.

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OJ verdict was reached in 4 hours (though revealed the following day) and he was found not guilty. We’re not gonna know until we know.

Yeah if Bruce Z can’t see the difference between what you said and the nonsense he spouts, lol

Huh? Seems like the two most likely outcomes are a quick conviction, or a long delay before announcing a hung jury (thanks to one or two bootlicker holdouts).

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Right. I dont think there’s any way they acquit. If we get a verdict it is going to be a conviction on at least one charge. The longer it goes the more I will worry it is hung.

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This reminded me of the guy talking to a cop like a cop. I’m sure it’s been shared before.


Some insight into the jurors deciding the case. The woman bringing her own lawyer to jury selection something I hadnt seen before.

This is an article that talks about the felony murder thing I was talking about yesterday and how that sets a very high bar for the defense:

Second-degree murder is causing the death of a human being, without intent to cause that death, while committing or attempting to commit another felony. In this case, the alleged felony was third-degree assault. Chauvin is charged with committing or intentionally aiding in the commission of this crime.

To convict Chauvin on this count, Judge Peter Cahill told jurors they must find that the former officer intended to commit an assault that could cause bodily harm or intentionally aided in committing such an assault.

“It is not necessary for the state to prove the defendant had an intent to kill Floyd. But it must prove that the defendant committed, or attempted to commit, the underlying felony,” the judge said.

Cahill added that the state must prove that the assault either inflicted bodily harm on Floyd or was intended to commit bodily harm. That essentially could include loss of consciousness, the judge said.

“It is not necessary for the state to prove that the defendant intended to inflict substantial bodily harm, or knew that his actions would inflict substantial bodily harm, only that the defendant intended to commit the assault, and George Floyd sustained substantial bodily harm,” Cahill said.

So like I said yesterday, if the state can prove Chauvin is guilty of third degree assault, he’s guilty of second degree murder. How does anyone get convicted of voluntary manslaughter in this state? Or third degree murder?

It’s not rhetorical at all. It seems like if the killing involved a felony assault you can escalate anything to a second degree felony murder charge. I’m sure prosecutors love it because it gives them all sorts of leverage in actual manslaughter cases but it seems like a bad law to me.

That’s exactly my thoughts too. I interned at a prosecutors office in law school and got to sit through a bunch of jury trials (and even participate in one my 3L year). They all rooted for the jury to come back asap and started to think they were screwed the longer it took. Jman has way more experience here but if this stretches on for days and days it seems very likely 1 or more jurors is down the right wing rabbit hole and won’t convict no matter what.

Can you imagine being that much of a psychopath that you’d rather watch basically the entire country burn rather than put one guy in prison?

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That would be some serious runbad because only like the 10% lowest scum of the MAGAs want this guy to get off. The other like 90% want him convicted to prove the system works and rascism isn’t real and bad cops are held accountable. That’s going to be their narrative.

Not really. But if they are far enough into the Hannity or Tucker extended universe do you think they are even capable of convicting a cop for killing a “thug” like George Floyd? Add in the fact that type thinks entire cities burned to the ground last summer and I could see them doing it out of spite.

So to me the verdict comes down to if there are one or more of that type on the jury. Hopefully not.

What’s nuts is that the only difference between a deplorable and somebody in an insane asylum is money. Seriously, if a guy like Alex Jones was a homeless dude on a street corner saying the shit he says he’d be committed.


I think a lot of Fox news watchers convict. Hannity had a ton of negative things to say about Chauvin.


This live shot of the jury room is not confidence inspiring.


I don’t really disagree with that. On the other hand a big part of the Fox News brainwashing is designed to teach you that cops are good and dirty brown thugs are ruining the country.

Certainly more than half of Fox News viewers would publically say that they want a conviction. What they actually think after getting their brains melted by racist propaganda for 30 years might be different though.

I would venture a guess that it’s 50%+ of Republicans.

Saying bad things about him and secretly wanting him acquitted are two different things, imo.

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