ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

It’s only really the 10% lowest scum deplorables who won’t not vote to convict Chauvin.

But if they aren’t willing to say what they deep down believe because they know its socially unacceptable, you think they’re willing to go all 12 angry men and try to flip or obstruct 11 people wanting to convict? They’re going to go along and convict. The pressure would be immense.

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One thing I wonder about is what the response will be from people if he is convicted of a lesser included charge like manslaughter. There should be widespread outrage but part of me wonders if white normies will show up to protests like last summer when there isn’t a boogeyman like Trump to rail against.

A lot of people want to believe all is good now that we got rid of Trump and I could see that being a reason protests are not the same size and intensity as last summer even though they should be if we don’t see a conviction on 2nd degree murder.

The types that showed up to the Capitol on January 6th or defended it definitely would. A lot of them see what is happening as a last stand. The whole replacement theory bs most of them believe is proof. That is probably millions of Americans.


Sure but I think it’s a small percentage of Americans, and even smaller percentage of Minneapolisaians, and an even smaller still percentage of people who end up getting selected for this jury.

Nah I think a lot of those white people out on the street and others have good solidarity now. I think the bigger issue would be the country opening back up and unemployment being lower.

That was a huge part of last summer. A huge portion of the younger population was unemployed so they had the time to go protest.

Although unemployment is still pretty large, it’s not as massive as it was last summer AFAIK.

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I don’t disagree. You only need 1 though.

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This has been said a bunch but its not true. Its not even 50%. If you read MAGA “opinions” its full of “Floyd was on drugs” “Floyd died from Fentanyl poisoning” stuff. The vast majority of them want Chauvin to get off.


I don’t think you full understand the average Republican. The bottom 30% would vote for David Duke. Those people don’t even watch fox news because it’s too centered.


Meh the edgy ones you see online are that bottom 10%

The deplorables I know IRL are all in on Chauvin being guilty and convicted. And these are disgusting election was stolen, BLM are terrorists, cops should beat them up, cops are godkings, blue lives matter types.

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Yeah this might actually be true, I’ve just never met a Trumper IRL who doesn’t think Chauvin should get got and I think the ones online are being edgy and the worst of the worst.

But maybe the ones I know IRL who I find absolutely disgusting are still in the top 50%

That is every single republican and probably the bottom 25% at least of dems minus stolen election.


Mainstream right wingers want Chauvin got because he didn’t kill Floyd in the accepted way. If Floyd had somehow fled and been shot in the back it would be fine to them. We would hear refrains of “Don’t run from police” or “Don’t resist”

In short fuck them all.

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This is a common defense of Chauvin, no?

I guess so but it’s easy to see a running black guy as “resisting” not so easy to see it as resisting seeing his windpipe crushed in slow motion on video from multiple angles.

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This is where an urgent sense of terror at any black male over age 9 comes in.

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David Duke himself got 38.83% of the vote in the 1991 Louisiana gubernatorial general election even with the R party disavowing him.

Roughly 90% of chiefsplanet wants him to get off and I don’t even think they’re the real bottom 10% of deplorables.

Tucker Carlson runs nightly segments defending Chauvin and openly advocating for acquittal.

You guys remain in mega-denial. The Republican Party and its voters are all the way gone.