ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

So…what’s taking so long? They’ve been in the jury room 10ish hrs by now.

Idk, to me, 2016 revealed that internet users are a representative sample.
Yahoo Answers = America

Besides, even if ultra-deplorables who won’t cede to peer pressure only make up 5% of the jury pool, there’s still a 46% chance of at least one being on the jury, provided they knew how not to disqualify themselves on the questionnaire. That’s without taking into account that the defense actively tried to select those people.

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The bottom 10% are stormfronters. Chiefsplanet are football fans.

Riverman is right. A lot of people want Floyd to be made an example of. “He was a thug and got what he deserved.”

The extremely online ones are definitely the worst ones Ive seen. I think being in an echo chamber all day long and feeding off it sends you further and further into the depths.

It’s a mirror of us. But instead of sharing factual articles, studies, philosophical debates that pushed many of us to the left they’re sharing conspiracy theories, race theory, and general nazi shit.

Holy shit I didn’t know Tucker was doing that. JFC.

If thats the case then yeah we’re in way worse shape than I though. The idea that my dad is in the top 50% reasonable republicans terrifies me.

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Tucker deserves to have someone slowly crush his windpipe with their knee for 9+ minutes.


Pre-Trump, maybe.

Conservatives don’t have to hide anymore now.

That tweet he shows at the end of the clip is fucking crazy though. Don’t almost all defense lawyers spend a bunch of time on reasonable doubt in closing arguments? For CNN’s legal analyst to have that take is batshit. Of course the defense lawyer is going to focus on reasonable doubt. Of course he’s not going to say Chauvin is innocent, because that’s not the standard he has to prove (and with facts as bad as he has, it would be malpractice to argue for that). A SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST at CNN ought to know these things.

Has to be. Not much else to use in most cases I would think.

They have a lot of reasons to hide - mostly financial and security reasons. It’s always been that way.

On that note, and you may want to sit down for this, but Tucker apparently only quoted the one objectionable tweet in his show and left out the dozens of other tweets by the CNN expert outlining the reasonable steps taken by defense counsel in closing.


30% of republicans disapprove of interracial marriage. That entire group at a minimum would also believe that blacks are an inferior race. A lot of those folks with money would have to keep that bottled up, no?

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Yeah I saw an article on this. JFC I’ve been living in a bubble with how mainstrain disgusting these people are.

They’re about to own the country too because we can’t pass voter protections.


Define that. I don’t think the vast majority of the 30% are trumpeting it; but they sure as shit aren’t afraid to publicly state their views what with the surge in Confederate Flag displays since Trump.

How much do we expect shit to turn up if there is a hung jury? Like will it be treated as an exoneration? Will the country burn?

I’m betting on burn :fire: regardless of the verdict.

Like when teams win a title and their fans burn cars and such.