ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

If it’s just like one guy doing the hung jury am I wrong in thinking it’s just a delay in justice and they will get him next time around? Endless hung juries have never happened before.

Although I guess we’re living in new times and if it becomes part of the rights culture war who knows.

Every day that passes without a conviction is a travesty

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I don’t know if I should laugh hysterically at OJ or be infuriated.


Hung jury probably means revisiting a plea deal to a lesser charge. They were close to a third degree murder plea deal before.

Or, more optimistically I guess, the Feds taking it over and prosecuting a civil rights charge.

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Ronald and Nicole weren’t running with their Pez Dispenser necks either asshole.


To clarify, a quick verdict is obviously better than a long verdict. The likelihood still goes down. I still think though that it’s very likely to be a guilty verdict either way. I’ll start worrying about a hung jury when we start getting into allen charges and deadlock notes. I’m not worried about it yet.

CNN says 430 is verdict decision announcement time

Lol that’s a top count conviction. No way they fucking acquit on any counts without a single damned question after just 8 hours.


I’m pretty damn nervous.


I’m not.

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Chauvin getting acquitted after 1 day of jury deliberations without a single fucking jury question when half of the damned jury is African American or mixed-race would be the most shocking fucking thing in the history of jurisprudence.


Here’s the text of the CNN update, posted a few minutes ago:

A verdict has been reached in the trial of former Minneapolis Police officer Derek Chauvin, according to a notice posted on the Hennepin County Court’s website.

“A verdict has been reached and will be read between 3:30-4:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 20” (4:30-5:00 p.m. ET), according to the notice.

Jurors deliberated for four hours on Monday and resumed deliberating this morning at 8 a.m. CT (9 a.m. ET). The court did not specify in the notice when jurors stopped deliberating today.

Chauvin is charged with second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020. He has pleaded not guilty.

I guess I’ll hedge slightly and give him a 1 percent chance of skating on the top count and going down on the murder 3.

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Meh, .1 percent.

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Oh man, what if we get a verdict at 4:20 on 4/20?


I know you’re joking, but this was just posted by a retired Staten Island cop:


I mean, they didnt’ even send in a question asking for clarification on reasonable doubt. There’s just no way this is an acquittal.

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Can someone cliff notes for me exactly what the differences are between:

Murder 2
Murder 3
Manslaughter 2

I hope it’s OK that I already jumped the gun.


Agree with jman. Top count conviction with a verdict this fast. Possibly 3rd degree but I doubt it.