ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

Murder 2: Committed a felony third degree assault and caused death
Murder 3: Depraved indifference murder
Manslaughter: with culpable negligence whereby the person created an unreasonable risk, and consciously took that risk, causing death.


:musical_note: :musical_note:“I was gonna read a verdict, but then I got high…” :musical_note: :musical_note:


Having a tough time parsing these two.

What’s an example of one but not the other?

Third degree would just be soooo unlikely too with the Minn felony murder rule as @anon10396289 pointed out. Couple that with the fact that that would be a legal defense, not a factual question, and there wasn’t a single fucking jury question on any of the charges… and I just don’t see it. This is a top top conviction.

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Depraved indifference is like an “evil” mindset. Way more then mere negligence or recklessness. Classic example of depraved indifference is you fire a shotgun into a crowd for shits and giggles. You don’t intend to kill anyone specificallly, but you don’t give a shit if someone dies.

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Nice, given that it’s not a hung jury, he’s definitely convicted of something.

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Good. Fuck this guy. Hope he gets got in prison.

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I’ve heard several people say he can be convicted of both second degree and third degree murder. I don’t really understand that, but I’m good with it. In Florida, I don’t think they consider less serious murder counts unless they’ve rejected the strongest one. But I guess different states do things differently.

In Minn they are different crimes with different elements. The sentences still merge, but the Murder 3 is not a lesser included of the murder 2 as charged.

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If he’s found guilty, does he go straight to prison or is there some bullshit thing where he has to appear in like 4 months or whatever?

im sure he goes to prison but definitely can appeal

I’ll believe conviction when I see it. In california a while back several officers beat the everloving shit out of a homeless man (on camera) until he died. You can even hear Ramos, the main dude, saying “I’m about to fuck you up.” They all got off completely free, jury barely deliberated. I’ve seen it too many times to believe this will be any different.

I think even murder 2 is a joke. Even if they can’t technically provide enough evidence for a higher charge, that’s wrong in my opinion. Higher standards should apply to an officer. He should get the maximum of whatever they can get, but I’m not holding my breath.

Preparing to be pleasantly surprised if they did convict on something. If it’s just manslaughter or some bs I would seriously go protest if there’s one happening around me.

Hearing a recap of the cases the defense attorney really did suck. Really focusing on burden of proof on a 70mm technicolor murder film?

As for breitbart, let’s take a pre verdict peak:


If it’s conviction police are going to be accidentally murdering people left and right.

That is the real riot we need to worry about.



This response is gold




Can you pre jinx it?

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