ACAB (formerly G Floyd) - Tyre Nichols video released, it's bad

How is Don Lemon still employed

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Well, I’d been pretty skeptical through this whole process, but I’m with jman now. This is a conviction.


Prob gonna be manslaughter. Too quick imo

But def conviction

They’re so riled up by Biden talking about the verdict before it comes out, I saw a lady on Facebook talking about how it was an abuse of power lol.

The facts here do not fit the murder 1 charge as defined in Minnesota. Murder 1 is different in every state.

Yeah I don’t get this at all. Why can’t elected officials have opinions on legal cases especially ones where everyone has seen all the relevant evidence?

I have the same feeling about the upcoming Chauvin verdict that I do when a boxing match goes to a decision that one fighter clearly won.

And that’s because there have been way too many terrible decisions to feel confident about the outcome.

Elected officials can have opinions. That judge was wrong.

Meanwhile if trump still was president and had a twitter he’d be spamming “COMPLETE EXONERATION! DO NOT CONVICT!” (And they’d be completely fine with it)


The odds of an acquittal right now on both Murder 2 & Murder 3, given the racial makeup of the jury, the way this trial has gone, the speed of the verdict and the lack of any questions whatsoever from the jury are roughly equivalent to the odds of a rogue undetected celestial body colliding with the earth today and knocking it into the sun.


There’d be a longer fight if it was one of the higher ones, no?

No. The longer this went on with more jury notes, the more the odds of an acquittal or hung jury went up, not vice versa. The odds of a straight acquittal were still very low either way, but the odds of an acquittal with deliberations like this? Unheard of.

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Im seeing 12.5 years if convicted, seems absurd

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In jman I trust.

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No way he lasts a year in prison.

F5 F5 F5 F5


It is a universal truth, if a judge tells you that something will happen between 4:30 and 5:00, then it’s going to happen at 5:15.



edit: Damn. Didn’t scroll enough to see chesspain was all over it.


Judge should really remand him after the conviction pending sentence.

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Who sentences, the judge?